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New Treatment for Head Shaking in Horses

Head shaking syndrome is when a horse shakes or jerks its head uncontrollably for no apparent reason. A recent study led by academics from the University of Bristol's School of Veterinary Sciences and the University of Liverpool, evaluated the long-te

Equine Infectious Anemia Threatening Canadian Horses

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency that oversees reportable animal diseases in Canada is reporting higher than usual numbers of horses infected with Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA). As of August 10, 2012, more than 70 horses were affected on 22 differen

Horse Tests Positive for Eastern Equine Encephalitis in Georgia

The Georgia Department of Agriculture has confirmed another positive case of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) in a horse, making this the fourth case in the South Health District this year.

"Your Horse - An Olympian at Heart"

Freedom Health, makers of the popular equine digestive product SUCCEED® Digestive Conditioning Program®, has introduced a new month-long promotion in conjunction with the 2012 Olympic Games: the SUCCEED “Your Horse, An Olympian at Heart” contest, op

Protect Your Horse from Stomach Ulcers

April Knudson, DVM, is an Equine Specialist with Merial Veterinary Services. She has a special interest in sport horse lameness and internal medicine. She holds a doctor of veterinary medicine from the University of California-Davis. Below she responds to

Share Thanksgiving with Your Horse with a Special Treat or Two

"Thanksgiving isn't just for people; Horses and other animals enjoy participating in the festivities, especially when it comes to sharing a few treats.”

Wild Horse Adoption a Success

Fifteen former wild horses and one burro trained for approximately four months by inmate trainers in the Northern Nevada Correctional Center program were adopted during a competitive-bid adoption held by the BLM

Confirmation of New Cases of West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis Lead to Warnings for Horse Owners

”Although fall weather usually brings a decrease in the mosquito population, horse owners need to continue to make sure horses are vaccinated against mosquito borne diseases and disease prevention protocols are in place on their properties.”

Is Fluoridated Water a Threat to Your Horse

Studies are needed to determine safe limits of fluoride in feed and water for horses, however, evidence indicates that fluoride concentrations allowable in US public water systems are well tolerated by horses.

Horse Fatalities at Santa Anita Rise on Dirt Track

Horse deaths at Santa Anita Race Track in Arcadia, California, are more than double the toll at other California tracks for the past fiscal year according to state statistics. Since the switch was made to a dirt running surface in 2010, twelve horses h
