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Top Tips for Managing Horses on Spring Pastures

”SmartPak has everything you need to help you and your horse enjoy the season including grazing muzzles that provide a comfortable way to limit your horse’s intake of grass without obstructing his ability to drink, breathe, or socialize.”

What Horse Owners Should Know About Round Worms

It is very important to do stool sample examinations on young horses to see how well roundworms are being controlled, because resistance in roundworms to Ivermectin has been demonstrated.

Quick Tip: Make Routine Horse Care Easier with Oral Sedation

Prescribed by your veterinarian, administered by you, Dormosedan Gel will help calm your horse during husbandry procedures such as hoof trimming/shoeing.

Coronavirus in Horses

It would be possible to get the coronavirus 19 from a horse if an infected human coughed droplets onto a horse's coat and a human then got those droplets on his hands and became infected.

BLM Begins Wild Horse Gather in Rio Blanco County, Colorado Today 09/01/2023

The current appropriate management level for wild horses in West Douglas Herd Area is zero animals since nearly all forage and water sources are located on adjacent private lands.

Make Routine Horse Care Easier with Oral Sedation

Prescribed by your veterinarian, administered by you, Dormosedan Gel will help calm your horse during husbandry procedures such as hoof trimming/shoeing.

Irish Equines Face Dire Future

Mr Cash, a career buyer and seller of horses and his fellow equine experts say that Ireland is facing a serious horse crisis.  "Horses are being abandoned across the country," said Barbara Bent, chairman of the Irish Society for the Prevention of

Cold Weather May Lead to Increase of Colic in Horses

Researchers at the University of Liverpool in the England addressed the question of whether the time of year/season has an effect on the number of horse colic cases. During the study, a clear fall/winter peak was found for impactions, spring for equine gr

Increase in Cases of Lyme Disease in Horses Predicted

The potential for more cases of Lyme disease in both humans and horses is increased during fall weather when horses, riders, and hunters are spending more time on trails where infestations of ticks are increasing this year.

New Cases of Equine Herpes Myoencephalitis Reported

Nine months after a potentially fatal equine virus swept western states, the disease is back. Five new cases of Equine Herpes Myoencephalitis (EHM), also referred to as neurological Rhino, a mutated form of the Equine Herpes Virus 1 (EHV-1) were reported
