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What’s in a Whinny?

Horses don't have as large a vocal repertoire as many animals, but as a prey species, they are masters at communicating with body language.

The Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society Legislative Fund Win Case in DC Circuit Court of Appeals to Protect Horses

This D.C. Circuit decision is a long-overdue victory for Tennessee walking horses and those who have fought for robust enforcement of federal prohibitions on horse soring for many years.

Equine Welfare Data Collective Releases Data Snapshot

The Data Snapshot provides a summary of rescue intakes and outcomes, organization demographics, safety net services, direct placement programs, plus a glossary of equine welfare services language.

New 2-Colt Format Announced for Road to the Horse 2023

Allowing competitors to draw two colts lets judges and fans watch a competitor modify their approach to suit the unique needs of each colt and will showcase competitor’s adaptability.

Olympic Logistics: Feeding the Horses in Tokyo

Kentucky Equine Research has worked with Olympic event organizers and JRA Facilities to ensure a smooth experience for horses and equestrians upon their arrival in Tokyo.

Grand Meadows Cares Series: The Horse That Fails To Thrive When Cold Weather Arrives

Keen observation of the horse will help their owner figure out whether the weight loss issue is one of not enough feed versus energy expended by the horse through heat loss in the cold weather, or something else.

Administering Equine Medications

The comprehensive reference article provides information about the administration of drugs and medications to horses, and other equines.

Bone Spavin

Bone spavin is an arthritis-like condition of soreness in the hock area. Bone spavin results from infection or prolonged stress on the hock joint due to exercise on hard surfaces. Cow-hocked or sickle-hocked horses are more prone to this condition.

Recent Equine Lawsuits and How They Affect Horse Professionals

Free Webinar! On November 14, 2011, Equestrian will continue its popular horse business seminar series with A Look at Recent Equine Lawsuits and How They Affect Horse Professionals

Horses4Heroes' Operation Free Ride Joins Cowboy Christmas

Horses4Heroes' Operation Free Ride Rodeo will ride into Cowboy Christmas during the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo having given more than a thousand free horseback rides to local heroes and their families in 2013.
