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Extruded Rice Bran - What Is It? and Why Is It Good for Horses?

More recently, equine feed companies have developed methods of extruding rice bran into stabilized nugget form for easier feeding to horses.

Five Steps to a Great Summer Horse Pasture

The beginning of summer is a good time for horse owners with pastures to begin planning and implementing proven techniques that will provide grazing throughout most of the year.

Do Homemade Equine Fly Sprays Really Work?

Learn about making your own fly sprays and why it is important to closely monitor your horse when you make changes in the products used on and around equines.

Boehringer Ingelheim Launches New Video Series to Help Horse Owners Recognize Signs of PPID

To help horse owners and veterinarians recognize signs of Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction, a series of videos of horses diagnosed with the disease is now available.

Horses Bring Hope to Humanity - The Movement

The Movement is an annual event uniting outstanding speakers and live demonstrations with horses to show the unprecedented difference horses can make across all aspects of life.

Cavallo Horse & Rider: Barefoot Dressage Movement Reaches Olympic Level

Dressage riders worldwide trust Cavallo Hoof Boots to help when horses transition to barefoot since Cavallo Hoof Boots are made to move easily and effortlessly with horses.

Intercity Insurance Becomes Education Patron of Equine Guelph

Equine Guelph thanks Intercity Insurance for becoming an education patron and for their ongoing support of the Hoofprints tribute program which provides horse owners a valuable outlet to celebrate cherished memories.

Is an All-stock 12% Protein Feed Mix Safe For My Horse?

Lower-cost grain mixes formulated for "all-stock" are at best a compromise when fed to horses. Dr. Getty notes the issues with these all-purpose feeds that the horse owner should know prior to using.

Glanders Strikes Bahrain Horses Again

Glanders, the equine disease which has devastated Bahrain's equestrian community and appeared close to being eradicated has affected at least two horses from the Dilmun Stables in Saar. The horses have tested positive for bacterial infection and th

Pfizer Encourages Veterinarian Advice in EHM Outbreak

The neurological disease Equine Herpesvirus Myeloencephalophy (EHM) caused by Equine Herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) has been in the news recently, with horses and farms affected across the United States and Canada.
