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Cases of Botulism in Horses Possible During Fall Season

With the approach of cooler weather, pastures are going dormant, hay bales, and, in some areas, haylage have  been stored and  are now beginning to be fed to horses. The threat of botulism contamination of hay and haylage is a seasonal concern for horse

Hunts Cancelled in Somerset Because of EHV-1 Cases

Fox hunts in Somerset, England, have been cancelled due to fears of the EHV-1 virus affecting horses in the region. EHV-1 can be transmitted through the air from respiratory infection or by close contact between horses and although it can be treated, in s

Seeds of Sycamore Likely Cause of Atypical Myopathy in Horses

Atypical Myopathy is a highly fatal horse muscle disease in the UK and Northern Europe with approximately twenty European countries having reported the disease.

Confused about Compounded Drugs for Horses?

Questions about compounded drugs often come up among horse owners as they seek the best treatments for their horses. In this news release, April Knudson, DVM, addresses issues surrounding compounded drugs and whether or not they are safe to use.

NHBPA: Zero Tolerance for Dermorphin Use in Horses

The National Horsemen’s Benevolence & Protective Association and its Affiliates have announced a zero tolerance for trainers who use drugs like Dermorphin, which have no legitimate use in horses. According to Phil Hanrahan, CEO of the National HBPA, â€

Don't Let a Barn or Stable Fire Ruin the Winter Season for You and Your Horses

"Newspaper articles and television news give credence to the fact that barn and stable fires are often fatal to both horses and humans.”

Ask The Vets: How Does Steamed Hay Affect Horse Respiratory Health?

Drs. Stephanie and Chad answer questions about the use of steamed hay to improve equine respiratory health.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Diagnostic Purposes in Horses

Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a relatively new type of imaging for horses since it works by detecting abnormal tissue density and fluid in soft tissue and bone based on tissue response to magnetization.

New Research on Horse Eyesight Could Improve Racecourse Safety

Horses have reduced color vision compared to humans, and only differentiate objects in a palette of blues and yellows.

Equitopia Releases Part 2 in Subtle Lameness in Horses

"Recognizing Subtle Lameness" outlines a protocol for establishing the sources of underlying pain associated with subtle and obvious lameness in horses.
