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Glanders Quarantine To Continue Until March

According to Bahrain’s Daily News, no new cases of glanders have been reported for two months, since two horses were put down after testing positive last November, according to Ministry livestock director, Abdulrahman Shawqi Al Mannaie This means the

Laser Microdissection in Laminitis

Funding from a pilot research grant is enabling James Belknap, DVM to do a study of laser capture microdissection in equine laminitis.

Union Rags Wins Belmont Stakes

Racing behind Paynter, thoroughbred race horse Union Rags moved up the rail to win the $1 million 2012 Belmont Stakes by a nose. Sitting astride Union Rags was jockey John Velazquez making this his second win at Belmont. Paynter, who led the race most of

Keeping Up with Horse Care Priorities as Cold Winter Weather Arrives

Keeping cold weather in mind, here are 10 things to do, when it comes to your responsibilities as a horse owner.

Infectious Horse Disease Update from Equine Disease Communication Center

Cases of West Nile virus, Equine Infectious Anemia, Equine Herpesvirus-1, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis continue to affect a number of horses throughout the USA as summer weather continues.

Federal Legislation Introduced to Prohibit Slaughter of American Horses in Safeguard American Food Exports Act

Federal lawmakers have introduced legislation to prevent the establishment of horse slaughter operations within the U.S., end the current export of American horses for slaughter abroad, and protect the public from consuming toxic horse meat.

Get Savvy for your Senior Horse

Knowledge obtained today can save the savvy horse owner down the road when they are able to recognize signs that early intervention is necessary.

Jackson's Paddock Paradise & Hooves Built, Not Carved

Paddock Paradise: A Guide to Natural Horse Boarding to help horse owners create habitats for their horses that simulate the wilderness experience of this species.

Winter Water Woes and Colic Prevention

Horse digestive systems operate optimally when forage is always available, and this means water must be available at all times to aid in digestion and avoid blockages.

Horses Are Bio-Feedback Beings

It may surprise you to see the upcoming series on Monty Roberts Online University involving yoga ON horseback.
