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Equine Asthma Breakthrough

It's common knowledge that allergens found in fungi, bacteria and arthropods such as mites cause asthma by triggering the horse's body's inflammatory responses.

Minerals and the Equine Metabolic Syndrome Horse

It's not as fancy as a pricey magic bullet supplement, but the best place to start supporting your EMS horse on a low-sugar and starch diet is with balanced intake of key minerals.

Discovery of New Hendra Virus Variant a Lesson in Emerging Disease Surveillance

Scientific findings support the understanding that the current equine vaccine will be equally effective against this strain, meaning reliable mitigation of human health risk is available via immunization of horses.

Equine Rhinopneumonitis

 Learn about Equine Rhinopneumonitis, a respiratory disease of horses also known as Herpesvirus-4, the symptoms, and how to prevent and treat the disease which can cause on-going neurological problems.

Greasy Heel

Learn how Greasy Heel affects the lower legs of the horse, how to prevent it by keeping horses in clean, dry, sanitary condtions and what to do if your horse contracts this infectious condition that can lead to lameness.

Saddle Sores

Learn how an ill-fitting saddle, inappropriate tack or a rider that doesn't maintain proper riding posture can cause saddle sores in the horse and what to do if you discover your horse has saddle sores.


Learn how environmental factors, including carcinogens in feed, pastures, stables, and barn areas are the most likely culprits behind tumors in horses and how frequent inspections can minimize their effects.

Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation Launches Seventh Annual Hay Drive

The Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation has launched its seventh annual Hay Drive campaign with the goal of raising the funds necessary for its yearly hay budget for the 900 horses in its programs.

Absorbine to Sponsor 2015 Fantasia at Equine Affaire

The legendary equestrian entertainment showcase Fantasia at Equine Affaire is now backed by “The Horse World’s Most Trusted Name: Absorbine.

Absorbine to Sponsor 2015 Fantasia at Equine Affaire

”With breathtaking horses, energized music and theatrics, and astonishing horsemanship, Absorbine is proud to be the headline sponsor of the 2015 Fantasia which promises to be the most exciting showcase of equestrian entertainment yet.”
