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8644 results found!

Safety First for Horses and Humans While Doing WInter Chores

Use of ATVs, tractors, and other farm equipment may lead to accidents on icy, slippery, snowy terrain, and humans and horses face many additional challenges under winter conditions.

Central Asian Horse Riders Played Ball Games 3,000 Years Ago

Preserved remains of a bow and a pair of trousers are signs of a new era of horse riding, equestrian warfare and fundamental societal transformations accompanying environmental changes and mobility.

Help Protect Your Horse During Fly Season

Not only do flying pests annoy equines, they also carry harmful diseases such as West Nile Virus (WNV), Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), and Western Equine Encephalitis.

Causes and Treatment of Laminitis in the Pregnant Mare

Treatment of mares with laminitis varies with the severity of lameness and is aimed at improving the level of comfort, providing hoof support, and correcting the underlying cause.

Call for Presentations and Sponsorships for the 2024 American Horse Council Conference

The American Horse Council invites individuals and organizations to submit presentation proposals that cover a diverse range of topics.

New Publication Showcases Peer-Reviewed Research for Equine Assisted Services and Horse-Human Interaction

The mission of the Equine Assisted Services Research Report is to make new science easier to manage for busy EAS professionals, educators, medical authorities, and others.

Why Animals Shrink Over Time Explained with New Evolution Theory

Research shows animal size can get bigger or smaller over long periods depending on the habitat or environment.

The Importance of Vitamin E and Selenium in Your Horse's Diet

Sub optimal levels of vitamin E and selenium impact health and performance, and lower levels will trigger full blown deficiency syndromes in horses.

Omeprazole Alone Doesn't Heal Ulcers in Horses

"Omeprazole needs to be specially formulated to survive the acidic environment of the horse’s stomach as it travels into the small intestine where it can be absorbed.”

Juvenile Equine Healthcare

Young growing horses have different nutritional and other healthcare needs compared to mature horses. Foals especially may need special health care. Learn about what you can do to have a healthy younger horse.
