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Top Reiners Ready for Open World Championship Shootout

Reining fans from all corners of the globe are looking forward to this year’s 2011 National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) Futurity & Adequan® North American Affiliate Championship Show. It’s the largest show in all of Reining and is expected to pa

Veterinary Student Discount 2017 NO Laminitis! Conference Available

The 2017 NO Laminitis! Conference promises much new material, review of emerging research and case histories in the prevention of and rehabilitation from laminitis in horses.

How to Manage a Moody Mare

Breeding season is quickly approaching, and many horse owners often ask us, "What's the best way to manage my moody mare?"

Dr. Kellon’s Guidelines: The Science of Feeding Your Horse for Healthy Muscle

"Next to water, protein is the major component of muscle. If the total daily intake of protein is insufficient, muscle bulk will suffer.”

Research Points To Better Practices in Hoof Care for Horses

Research on human nails carried out by experts in the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science at The University of Nottingham can be applied to horses and conditions associated with their hooves which can be life threatening.

Previously Wild Mustangs Show Competitive Edge

Fifty-nine previously wild Mustangs competed in three divisions at the Murfreesboro, Tennessee, Extreme Mustang Makeover October 21-23 to show the trainability of Mustangs. Wild American Mustangs previously untouched by humans began training for the compe

Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust Asks for Aide

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization have declared the need for URGENT support in areas of West Africa, including The Gambia, due to a severe food shortage. One of the poorest countries in the world, The Gambia ranks 160th [no-glossary]out of 179 coun

Fire Prevention Week - A Good Time to Review Barn Safety

Faulty electrical equipment. exposed wires, uncovered lights, overloaded circuits, lightning strikes, improperly-stored hay, and dropped cigarettes are among the most common causes of barn fires.

Sugar Promotes Chronic Inflammation in Horses

Major health issues, including obesity, insulin resistance, PPID, and laminitis, are precipitated and maintained by low-grade, chronic inflammation which can be caused by long-term consumption of feeds high in sugar and starch.

Hendra Vaccine Research Receives Funds

This has been an unprecedented year for deadly cases caused by the hendra virus in New South Wales and Queensland. The latest hendra case was confirmed yesterday when a horse on a north Brisbane property was euthanized after testing positive for the viru
