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Ejiao Act Reintroduced to Protect Donkeys from Dangerous Gelatin Trade

There is no need for these ejiao (donkey-hide gelatin) products that entail substantial cruelty and confer no real health benefits.

Brooke USA Winter Season Event Trifecta to Benefit Working Equines Returns to Wellington

Ponies and Pearls, Sunset Watering Hole, and Divertimentos and Dressage signature events 'Paint Wellington Orange' to help improve the plight of working equines returns during February and March.

Equine-Assisted Therapy Receives Ronald McDonald Support

PBJ Connections, Inc., a local, non-profit provider of mental health services to  youth and families, announced today that it has received a $4,200 grant from Ronald McDonald House Charities. The grant includes $2100 from the McDonalds Owners/Operators o

Lay Equine Dentists Regulated in Texas

After several years of debate about who can perform dental work on Texas horses a resolution has been achieved.The Texas Legislature has moved to professionalize the practice of nonveterinary equine dentistry by passing House Bill 414.

CDFA Confirms New Case of EHV-1

One new case of the neuropathogenic strain of Equine Herpes Virus-1 has been confirmed on the Orange County affected premises according to CDFA bringing the total to 9 cases that have been confirmed at that location.

Make-A-Wish Foundation Pairs Girl with Pony

The dreams of a West Rockhill teen with cystic fibrosis came true when the Philadelphia branch of the Make-A-Wish Foundation paired her with a pony. Since meeting in October, the pair spends about five days a week together at the Lehigh County farm

Equine Industry Vision Award Nominations Due

The deadline date for nominations for the 11th annual Equine Industry Vision Award is on or before February 8, 2012. Pfizer Animal Health sponsors the award in partnership with American Horse Publications (AHP) and developed it to recognize outstanding le

Starwyn Farms Offers Scholarships for Intl. Equestrian Education

Starwyn Farms, LLC of Wellington, Florida will once again host their groundbreaking International Equestrian Education series during the 2014 FTI Consulting Winter Equestrian Festival..

Tom Selleck, Noted Western and Detective Star, Cited for Illegal Water Usage

”Tom Selleck, a well-known actor who has starred in many Western and detective movies and on TV, was recently cited for illegally taking water during the on-going California drought.”
