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Texas University Establishes Equine-assisted Therapy Program

Texas A&M University System Chancellor John Sharp has announced the establishment of the Courtney Grimshaw Fowler Equine Therapeutic Program in memory of Courtney Grimshaw Fowler, Texas A&M University class of ’85.

American Shetland Pony Congress Meeting in Iowa

2013 marks the 67th anniversary and one of the largest get-togethers with over 530 ponies registered for this historic pony championship.

UC Davis Equine Reproduction Service Updates Facilities at the Center for Equine Health

The opportunities for students in this new treatment and research area will increase significantly, improving the quality of their education in equine reproduction.

Animal Cruelty Conviction

Walter Goba has been convicted in provincial court of operating a kennel without a licence, confining an animal in hazardous conditions and housing animals in unsanitary conditions.

Clenbuterol Banned in Canadian Competitions

The Equine Canada Medication Control Committee is announcing the following Medication Control information:  Clenbuterol. As of January 1, 2011, Clenbuterol (Ventipulmin) will no longer be a permitted medication in Equine Canada sanctioned competition

Learn How to Select Yearlings

Exclusively Equine has come out with a new book Fundamentals of Conformation by experts in the thoroughbred field on how to assess and select yearlings.

Caring for Barn Cats? Vet Shares 8 Tips for Looking After These Resourceful Felines

For advice on caring for barn cats, we turned to Oklahoma State University's Assistant Clinical Professor with the College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Sarah Peakheart.

Hearst Ranch Zebras Shot

On January 5, 2011, three zebras escaped from Hearst ranch and wandered onto a cattle ranch near Cambria.  The ranch owner shot and killed two of them and a neighboring rancher shot the third zebra. Ranchers in the area complain that the zebras sp

Fire Causes Evacuation of Ruidoso Downs Racetrack

A grass fire that began on April 3, 2011, continues to burn through Ruidosos Downs, across HWY 70 towards Forest Service Road, according to Dan Ware of the New Mexico Fire Information Center.

Hyaluronic Acid

Pronunciation hy-al-u-Ron-ik AS-id - Pronunciation guide
