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Sepsis in the Newborn Foal

Any foal not standing within an hour of birth and nursing well within two hours of birth should be immediately evaluated by a veterinarian.

Cervical Pole Necrosis of the Equine Placenta

Cervical pole necrosis is an idiopathic, non-infectious, placental disease that can result in abortion, premature birth, delivery of a weak foal or delivery of a viable foal.

Progesterone - Altrenogest

Learn about Progesterone, which along with altrenogest is used in the reproductive management of mares to control reproductive cycle, help maintain pregnancy, and help with behavior modification.

Pfizer's Cattle and Equine Units Support Mexican Orphanage

During a recent National Sales Meeting, colleagues in Pfizer Animal Health’s U.S. Cattle and Equine Business Unit decided to forgo some food and beverages throughout the week and instead donate the money saved to Bethel Orphanage in Juarez, Mexico. The

Pfizer to Continue Support of FFA and AABP

Pfizer Animal Health announces the return of the FFA and American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP) Foundation Support Program and the addition of the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) Foundation Support Program.

Getting Foal Nutrition Right From the Start

"Ensuring your broodmare’s nutritional needs are met is critical because calories, protein, vitamins and minerals are all passed on to the foal while in utero, and later through the mare’s milk.”

Don't Let Eastern Tent Caterpillars Affect Your Pregnant Mares

Despite a cold winter eastern tent caterpillar eggs show a nearly 80% survival rate, the same rate as during the 1999-2001 Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome, which resulted in a staggering losses of foals.

Protective Humoral Immunity of Mares and Their Foals Post Equine Rotavirus A G3P[12] Vaccination

Due to Equine rotavirus A’s incredibly infectious nature, high number of virus particles shed in fecal matter, and other factors, it is very hard to contain once an outbreak occurs.

Brooke USA Foundation Supporters Visited Washington, D.C. to Meet with Congressional Offices

With the demand for ejiao products in China decimating the world’s donkey populations, global prices have increased and it has become increasingly difficult for owners to replace their stolen animals.

Problems in Equine Reproduction

Thinking about breeding your mare or stallion? A basic understanding of potential problems will help you make good decisions along the way. This primer covers problems with both mares and stallions - a must read for prospective breeders.
