Pyrantel Pamoate

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Drugs and medications image EquiMed


peye-Ran-tel PAM-oh-ate - Pronunciation guide

Brand Names

  • Cooper's Best Equistrength Paste
  • Equi-Cide
  • Equi-Mintic SPR Paste
  • Equi-Phar Protal Suspension
  • Primex Equine Liquid Wormer
  • Pyrantel Pamoate Paste


Pyrantel pamoate is a carbamate, one of five principal classes of deworming agents according to their chemical structure and mode of action. It has a wide margin of safety and is excellent against all common worm parasites except bots.

Pyrantel pamoate acts as a depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent. It causes a sudden contraction, followed by paralysis of the worms causing them to "lose their grip" on the intestinal wall and be passed out of the horse's system by natural process. Outside the host's body the worm soon dies.


Pyrantel pamoate is used as a deworming agent in the treatment of large strongyles (Stronglylus vulgaris, S. edentatus, S. equinus); small strongyles (Trichonema spp and Triodontophorus spp.); pinworms (Oxyuris equi, Probstmayria vivipara); large round worms (Parascaris equorum); and tape worms (Anoplocephala perfoliata).

Only the worms in the intestine are vulnerable to pyrantel pamoate. This means that the deworming must be repeated 2-4 weeks after the first deworming and possibly a third deworming 2-4 weeks after that to be fully effective.

Some drug companies pair pyrantel pamoate with praziquantel for tapeworms and sometimes febantel for whipworms in order to provide a more complete treatment, since pyrantel pamoate alone is not effective against whipworms and the dose needs to be doubled to treat for tapeworms.

Pyrantel pamoate is safe to use with foals over 4 weeks of age, and pregnant and nursing mares.

Dosage and Administration

Pyrantel Pamoate
Method Dosage
(click row for calculator)
Concentration Period Duration
Oral (paste) 3 mg/lb 3600 mg/syringe See notes1 NA


  • 1EquiMed recommends that you establish a parasite control program based on local veterinary input. Timing, amount and type of anthelmentic used should be based on local conditions, and the particular animals being treated.
  • Extra-label use of drugs in treating animals is allowable only by licensed veterinarians within the context of a valid veterinarian-client-patient relationship, and does not include drug use in treating animals by the layman (except under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian).
  • The duration of administration depends on the condition being treated, response to the medication and the development of any adverse effects. Be certain to complete the prescription unless specifically directed by your veterinarian. Even if your equine appears to feel better, the entire treatment plan should be completed to prevent relapse.
  • This medication may be available in forms and concentrations not noted in the above table. Always check the label and literature provided with the medication about the form and concentration and DO NOT USE the calculator if the information differs.
  • Calculator is for educational purposes only. Follow your veterinarian's instructions regarding use of this, or any medication.

Side Effects

Worms may be passed with some diarrhea and/or straining. A horse with a large number of worms may suffer an impaction when a large number of worms die and try to pass at the same time. If you know your horse has a large number of worms, some veterinarians suggest giving a laxative prior to the administration of a dewormer.


Pyrantel pamoate should not be used in debilitated animals or foals less than 4 weeks old.

It is not for use in horses intended for human consumption.

Pyrantel pamoate is a prescription drug approved by the FDA for use in horses. It is a prescription drug restricted to use by or on the lawful written or oral order of a licensed veterinarian.

Check with the appropriate regulatory body regarding use in competition horses.


Pyrantel pamoate should not be used with levamisole, morantel or piperazine dewormers or with organophosphate insecticides because of the danger of increased side effects.


In the event of an overdose, contact your veterinarian immediately and follow any directions given on the manufacturer's information.


Pyrantel Pamoate Oral Paste Pyrantel Pamoate Oral Paste

StrongidT Pyrantel PamoateTablets StrongidT Pyrantel PamoateTablets



About the Author

EquiMed Staff

EquiMed staff writers team up to provide articles that require periodic updates based on evolving methods of equine healthcare. Compendia articles, core healthcare topics and more are written and updated as a group effort. Our review process includes an important veterinarian review, helping to assure the content is consistent with the latest understanding from a medical professional.
