Minor injuries and illnesses in horses can turn into costly or catastrophic situations if not recognized and treated promptly. Read to learn the 5 principles of first aid and the two don'ts that could save your horse's life.
Having first aid essentials readily available will save you time, money, and possibly your horse's life. Read to learn what every equine first aid kit should contain.
A horse in respiratory distress requires immediate attention. Read to learn how to recognize respiratory distress in your horse and how to limit damage to your horse's respiratory system.
An impaction in your equine's esophagus can lead to choking. Read to learn how to recognize and prevent choking in your equine.
Read to learn about the causes, signs, and effects of diarrhea and why early involvement with your veterinarian is important in maintaining your horse's health and avoiding secondary complications.
Learn about the kinds of wounds that cause bleeding in your horse, how to determine if it is an emergency, and what to do until the veterinarian arrives.
Learn about different kinds of eye injuries in horses and the importance of prompt treatment by a veterinarian to prevent serious damage to the horse's vision.
Learn about the 4 questions you should ask yourself when your horse is injured and how to make sure the treatment fits the injury.
 Read to learn about the causes of colic, what to do when your horse colics, and the importance of fast, effective treatment.