Preparing for the Farrier's Visit

Pounding hoof thanks to a farrier's work.
Pounding hoof thanks to a farrier's work.

Preparing for the farrier's visit

From the get-go, a horse owner should make sure that each horse has been trained to be cooperative with the humans who work with them, whether it is the owner, a rider, a veterinarian or a farrier. Some horses are cooperative and mild-mannered. Others are just the opposite.

A horse that is properly trained recognizes the human in charge as its leader and will cooperate when its hooves and limbs are being worked on or groomed. An owner needs to make sure that the horse is in a state of mind to allow a farrier to work with its hooves and lower limbs effectively and safely.

The farrier should be forewarned and extra help given if the horse is excitable or requires special handling.

In preparation for the farrier's visit, the horse should be brought into the barn or stall area where the farrier will work. The feet and limbs should be cleaned of all mud and dirt and dried off if necessary.

It's also a good idea to carefully pick the hooves and give them a once-over to see if there are any developments that should be brought to the attention of the farrier.

The work area for the farrier should be clean, well-lit, free of obstacles, level, and the surface may be covered with a rubber mat for safety.

After you have chosen a farrier, monitor the work closely and ask questions if you don't understand what the farrier is doing or why it is being done.

After the farrier visit, observe how your horse walks and notice if it has trouble with its hooves or legs. If you do see problems, bring them to the attention of the farrier. Most farriers will be very responsive to owner's concerns and work with the owner to make sure each horse receives the individual attention needed to prevent lameness and keep the horse sound.

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EquiMed Staff

EquiMed staff writers team up to provide articles that require periodic updates based on evolving methods of equine healthcare. Compendia articles, core healthcare topics and more are written and updated as a group effort. Our review process includes an important veterinarian review, helping to assure the content is consistent with the latest understanding from a medical professional.
