Hoof Care Health Center

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Hoof Care

My horse has a club foot. Can it be treated …

Doug Butler, PhD, CJF, FWCF

My horse has a club foot. Can it be treated …

by Doug Butler, PhD, CJF, FWCF

May 1, 2017 14:22

Club feet result from genetic and environmental conditions. When noticed and treated early, the farrier or veterinarian can greatly improve the prospect of …

Hoof Care

How do I help my horse's dry, cracked feet …

Doug Butler, PhD, CJF, FWCF

How do I help my horse's dry, cracked feet …

by Doug Butler, PhD, CJF, FWCF

May 1, 2017 15:17

Hoof quality may relate more the the hoof's ability to regulate the moisture content than anything else. Our expert farrier, Doug Butler, gives you the facts on …

How do I identify hoof cracks and what is the best way to care for …

by Doug Butler, PhD, CJF, FWCF

July 20, 2020 18:41

Each crack in a horse's hoof is individual and the results or repairing and stabilizing the hoof crack depend upon the type, location and treatment …

What should a horse owner know and do to recognize and prevent foot/ …

by Jacob Butler

May 1, 2017 16:17

Hoof abscesses are common, especially in the spring, but once they open and drain, the horse will recover quickly. Be aware of abscess signs and potential foot …

Hoof Care Tip

It is a fact that some horses require shoes to be comfortable. Unfortunately, breeding without concern for foot problems is all too common.

Trimming vs Shoeing - Best Case Scenarios and Limitations From a …

by Jacob Butler

May 1, 2017 18:03

If we use our common sense (horse sense) we will see when horses need to be shod and when they only need to be trimmed. Every horse has different needs …

hoof care
/ho͝of,ho͞of ker/
  1. the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of the horny part of the foot of an ungulate animal, especially a horse.
  2. to shoe or not to shoe, that is the question.


Hoof Care - Trimming the Donkey

Video of donkey hoof trimming.

Horse Snips

Horse Hoof Care Video Shorts

Horse Health Matters

For Our Visitors!

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