Hoof Care Health Center

Featured Articles

Ten Tips for Better Horse Hoof Health

by EquiMed Staff

April 30, 2017 17:12

10 things you can do to improve your horse's health. This article will help you develop the skills to maintain your horse's feet with occasional support by a …

Horse Hoof Care Performed by the Farrier

by EquiMed Staff

April 30, 2017 17:16

All horses require periodic hoof care. Here are the 6 foot care activities better left to a professional farrier …

Hoof Care

My horse has a club foot. Can it be treated …

Doug Butler, PhD, CJF, FWCF

My horse has a club foot. Can it be treated …

by Doug Butler, PhD, CJF, FWCF

May 1, 2017 14:22

Club feet result from genetic and environmental conditions. When noticed and treated early, the farrier or veterinarian can greatly improve the prospect of …

Hoof Care: Importance of Proper Trimming and Shoeing Intervals

by Heather Smith Thomas

August 17, 2019 15:10

Keeping track of hoof health and growth helps prevent problems and also alerts you when the farrier needs to see the horse before the next scheduled visit …

Hoof Care Tip

Believe it or not, sometimes a farrier will put on a horse shoe backward with the toe of the shoe at the horse's heel. In horses with laminitis, the backward shoe reduces pressure on the wall of the toe and provides better support at the heel.

Between Farrier Visits – Your Role in the Hoof-Care Team

by Heather Smith Thomas

April 27, 2020 18:38

Regular grooming is good for your horse's hair coat, and regular hoof care is good for his feet …

hoof care
/ho͝of,ho͞of ker/
  1. the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of the horny part of the foot of an ungulate animal, especially a horse.
  2. to shoe or not to shoe, that is the question.


Hoof Care - Trimming the Donkey

Video of donkey hoof trimming.

Horse Snips

Horse Hoof Care Video Shorts

Horse Health Matters

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