Since this program began two years ago, participating shelters have received donations of nearly 450 tons of Purina horse feed.
November is the time to create financial projections for the end of 2013 so you can estimate whether your horse business will have operated at a profit or a loss.
For the fourth year, the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International announces that Purina Animal Nutrition is the title sponsor of its conference and annual meeting along with 18 other companies and organizations that will sponsor
The iconic Breyer brand, founded in 1950, is the undisputed leader in creating the worldâs most authentic model horses for play and collecting.
The award-winning Equine Disease Quarterly includes articles written by prominent researchers from around the world and provides timely and authoritative reports on some of the most important issues facing the equine industry.
The American Shetland Pony Club, the American Show Pony Registry and The American Miniature Horse Registry are non-profit organizations established to preserve and refine the bloodlines and promote the enjoyment of small equines.
Happening on Tuesday, November 5, 2013, at 8 pm EST, Biostar EQ's Tigger Montague will be hosting a FREE Ask the Expert Live Q/A session on everything about horse nutrition.
Fuel-saving 540 Economy PTO comes standard on all PowrReverser-equipped John Deere models to reduce engine noise, wear, and vibration when using powered implements.
Author McCauley plans to continue donations from the sale of Ivory Pal books in 2014 with new deserving rescues to be named in the coming months and encourages horse lovers to get involved in some way with their favorite horse rescues.
As temperatures cool, tire pressures decrease and USRider reminds equestrians and others who travel with horses to perform periodic air pressure checks on both their vehicle and trailer tires for safety's sake.