Veterinary students will have the opportunity to learn from the world’s most renowned members of the veterinary community about the latest techniques in veterinary medicine.
Let's help care for our horses, together by better understanding the effects of COVID-19 on horse owners, riders, trainers, grooms, stable managers, and other equestrian professionals.
Until five years ago, the equine community had to rely on multiple sources to learn about infectious diseases in their area, but no longer, thanks to the Equine Disease Communication Center.
Jester Park Equestrian Center's mission is to build a veteran's confidence through a relationship with the horse by creating opportunities to develop skills that can be used in their daily life.
Plenty of offerings for Thoroughbred lovers during what would have been Makeover week are avaiiable online the week of October 5th, 2020 for virtual events celebrating the off-track Thoroughbred!
The decision to close the meet was made after consulting local and state government officials and public health experts and monitoring how sporting events have operated during the pandemic.
In exchange for sharing their opinions, horse owners will receive a FREE downloadable report that offers valuable tips on how to safely manage horses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thoroughbred Makeover will feature two divisions of competition: one for horses who were eligible and registered for the 2020 event, and the regularly-scheduled 2021 division.
The virtual AYHC Symposium will bring together all facets of the equine industry with a common goal of uniting kids and horses.
Fans can bid on and win items that will be used or personalized by competitors in the Kentucky Derby before the start gates open!