We felt it was important to have this event in person with equine and human interaction, and given the challenge of travel and health concerns, we set new dates in 2021.
Equine organizations across the country are eligible to receive free vaccines for the hundreds of horses in their care.
Featuring both independently and traditionally-published authors, the virtual bookstore is a unique platform dedicated to promoting authors of horse books.
Equine Guelph's Covid-19 response plan inspired Sheryl Kerr with how lessons learned could be directly applied to daily operations to provide funds for Guelph's equine center.
Reporting completed projects and exciting new knowledge is obviously important, but the Equine Science Review also enables new ideas and work-in-progress stories to be shared.
Call for pilot studies focused on equine behavior, relating to health and welfare will allow individual donors to directly support a research topic for which there is a pressing need.
Challenges the industry faced included the cancellation of equine events, the impact on interstate travel of horses and the ramifications of guidelines and restrictions on horse farm staff.
The Appaloosa National Championship Endurance Rides and the National Championship Competitive Trail Ride scheduled for September 25-27 have been canceled for 2020.
By postponing the Makeover until next year and expanding the market place virtually, we felt it was the best way to create opportunities in the best interest of the horses and our organization.
For horses to remain an important part of American life and have a viable future, we need to ensure that donor dollars are being spent on programs with the greatest impact.