$2500 REWARD Offered for Mr. Johnny Dial - Missing Horse

Info about Mr. Johnny.
Info about Mr. Johnny. NetPosse

Newsdate: Friday June 22, 2018, 9:00p am
Location: FREEPORT, Florida

Mr. Johnny was last seen on June 19, 2018 2017 according to Briona Nelson, owner of the missing horse. Ms. Nelson advised that she fed the horse in the morning and he was gone later that afternoon.

Poster info Mr Johnny.

Poster info Mr Johnny

The missing horse, Mr. Johnny, is a 23 year old bay and white Paint Tobiano gelding..
© 2018 by NetPosse

Mr. Johnny is a 23 year old bay and white Paint Tobiano gelding. Ms. Nelson went on to tell Stolen Horse International that she is very worried about Mr. Johnny and desperately wants to find him.

Ms. Nelson says, “I went down to groom him and he was just gone!”

Ms. Nelson asked Stolen Horse International for assistance in locating her horse. Ms. Nelson advised that Walton County Sheriff Department has been notified of the missing horse.

Stolen Horse International, a nonprofit organization also known as NetPosse.com, is well known as the “lost and found’ place for horses on the internet for the equine industry. NetPosse.com offers horse theft and equine ID education and assist in search and recovery of stolen or missing horses, as well as other equine equipment.

On June 21, 2018, Stolen Horse International, Inc. received the first online report on its web site, www.NetPosse.com, filed by Nelson and, in short order, began distributing the information via their NetPosse Alert (the horse community’s Amber Alert) on the Internet to hundreds of social media groups and private email contacts in an effort to rally the public to help the family. We appreciate any support we can get for this victim through our news media channels and friends as well.

You will find Mr. Johnny’s webpage with information and a printable flyer in his NetPosse.com listing, which is where any updates or leads will be posted. Anyone interested in helping can search for report number NR006528 or use this direct link on the NetPosse.com site: https://netposse.com/view_report.asp?reportid=6528

“Circulating the flyer for Mr. Johnny as well as the NetPosse.com Alert nationwide is imperative, as they could be anywhere by now. These flyers are one tool that brings home many horses and must be posted in as many public places as possible,” says Debi Metcalfe, founder of Stolen Horse International. “And remember, not everyone has internet access. Please post Mr. Johnny’s flyer in public places as well.”

Pictures, flyer, contact information, updates and other information are on the NetPosse webpage to identify this case quickly when calling in a tip. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact Briona Nelson, Walton County Sheriff Department or Stolen Horse International with any information.

For more information on Stolen Horse International and its programs, visit the website at www.netposse.com. Stolen Horse International is a Section 501(c)(3) organization under the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to it are tax-deductible as charitable contributions.

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EquiMed Staff

EquiMed staff writers team up to provide articles that require periodic updates based on evolving methods of equine healthcare. Compendia articles, core healthcare topics and more are written and updated as a group effort. Our review process includes an important veterinarian review, helping to assure the content is consistent with the latest understanding from a medical professional.
