$50,000 Available for Research Investigating the Interactions of Horses on Humans Who Have Experienced Trauma

Man receiving equine-assisted services with horse.
Man receiving equine-assisted services with horse. Anonymous

Newsdate: Monday, February 7, 2022 - 11:35 am
Location: CHAGRIN FALLS, Ohio

Horses and Humans Research Foundation (HHRF), a 501(c)3 organization, announces this request for proposals to investigate the possible effects horses have on humans who have experienced trauma with preference for underserved populations. Deadline for submission proposals is May 20, 2022.

Girl in wheel chair interacting with miniature therapy horse.

Girl in wheel chair interacting with miniature therapy horse

Through this call, which reflects the need to address the gaps in knowledge in equine-assisted services, Horses and Humans Research Foundation strives to support true leaps in research.
© 2019 by Mini Therapy Horses New window.

All proposals undergo a four-tier review process completed by the Scientific Advisory Council. Preference will be given to investigators with solid credentials and research experience. The maximum award is $50,000 for up to eighteen months. The winning proposal will have scientific merit, scientific and clinical significance, and relevance.

On behalf of the HHRF Board, our past board members, supporters, and our Scientific Advisory Council, we are pleased to offer this opportunity. Through this call, which reflects the need to address the gaps in knowledge in equine-assisted services (EAS), HHRF strives to support true leaps in research. Through peer reviewed research we all benefit from knowledge, application, and dissemination.

Information for applicants, including the recently updated application and review guidelines, previously funded projects, and more are available at horsesandhumans.org.

Contribute to HHRF today and help ensure that this important research, and education about research on horse-human interactions continues. For more information about HHRF, visit the website horsesandhumans.org or contact Pebbles Turbeville, Executive Director, exec.director@horsesandhumans.org.

Mission: Through sustained investment in rigorous research, HHRF serves as a catalyst to advance global knowledge of horse-human interactions and their impact on health and wellness.

Press release by Pebbles Turbeville, HHRF Executive Director

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