Deauville Green Awards to Feature Film about Human/Horse Relationships

Newsdate: Thu 16 June 2016 – 6:00 am
Location: DEAUVILLE, France

“The Edge: Bruce Anderson - Natural Humanship” has been selected for screening in the Deauville Green Awards, currently being held in France during June, 2016.

Deauville crowd gathering for film festival

Deauville crowd gathering for film festival

Nature’s View, Bruce Anderson's system of Natural Humanship, involves work with horses that includes a step by step process that can be applied to a variety of situations and circumstances involving horses and humans.
© 2016 by Deauville Green Awards

The film trailer, a 4 minute preview of the 45 minute documentary currently in production with The Art of Storytelling, details the work of Anderson, one of the founders of The Marley Project, Inc.(TMP), a 501(c)(3) dedicated to equine education.

Anderson and Julianne Neal, Executive Director of TMP, will present the film trailer in Deauville as an Official Selection in the category of Organizations and Social Responsibility. The festival, with over 300 international films representing 14 different categories, rewards excellence in communication and audio-visual productions, on sustainable development and social responsibility.

The jury for the category screening The Edge includes Peter Beck, President of the SwissFilm Association, Laurent Setton, Ministere des Affaires Sociale and Vice President de Communication Publique of France, Didier Waldung, Director of MediaStyle and Nicolas Lewandowski, President de la Cie des Reals.

The festival also includes round tables on climate change, responsible communication and sustainable energy, as well as international screenings and workshops on Eco-production.

"The Edge" explores the work of Bruce Anderson, native of Trinidad and Tobago, and the programs that he has created over a lifetime of work with horses and people.

Nature’s View, his system of Natural Humanship, involves work with horses that includes a step by step process that can be applied to a variety of situations and circumstances, including equine training, equine assisted learning and therapy, law enforcement training, management and educational workshops and individual self improvement sessions.

Anderson also explores environmental and societal issues facing the world today and gives a solution of the AlphA mindset through his work using the Nature’s View system.

Far from being a doomsday prophet, Anderson provides an alternative philosophy of "People Helping Horses: Horses Helping People” while addressing human needs for basic survival through environmental forces.

About “The Edge”: 

The Edge takes a look at Anderson’s life travels, from the Caribbean islands through England and Canada, finally landing in the Southeastern United States, painting a backdrop for the formation of his character; the foundation of his work.

The film also delves into his work in the Abacos with Milanne Rehor and Nunki, the last horse in the line of Spanish Colonials descending from the breed brought to the New World by Christopher Columbus.

Anderson’s work with Wild Horses of Abaco has spanned 2014 through the present and will continue through cloning efforts in order to restore the breed on the current island Preserve.

Filmed in Trinidad, the Bahamas and the US, the 4K documentary includes equine round pen work, awe-inspiring horses of all breed, and life-changing testimonials from former and current clients.

The film concludes with a call to action that should not be ignored: the further we as humans move toward the edge of climate change, societal crises, and personal dilemmas through mental imbalance, the more we must acknowledge our basic needs for survival... and do something to change mindsets. Enter the horse...

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

Author picture

As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
