Saving America's Horses: A Nation Betrayed is a new documentary that deals with the complexities of the treatment and slaughter of wid and domestic horses and burros for consumption of people in other countries.
A new documentary focuses on how political and corporate forces conspire to take away the freedom and safety of the US equine population.
© 2012 by Peter Schmalzer
Katia Louise, has been a horse woman since a young age, and as the writer and director of the documentary, she focuses on how political and corporate forces conspire to take away the freedom and safety of the US equine population.
The horse racing industry, cattle industry, meat sellers, agenda-driven congressmen and federal agencies contribute to the inhumane treatment and ill use of American horses. The film uses undercover footage documenting this inhumane treatment and other related controversies.
Each year the Bureau of Land Management rounds up tens of thousands of wild horses and burros, largely from public rangelands. How the equines are disposed of raises many thought-provoking questions as to who benefits from the roundups, as well as how they are carried out and manipulated.
Through a varied mix of in-person and audio interviews with equine advocates including Native Americans and a diverse group of entertainers, writers, and animal lovers, the film maker puts together a disturbing look at how the freedom and safety of the nation's equines hinges on power plays that have little or no regard for the vital role these animals play in the nation's heritage.