Equine Rescue France - Support For English Speakers Needing Help

Newsdate: Wed, 8 April 2015 – 6:50 am
Location: Champniers-et-Reilhac, France

Based in the South West – Dept 24, Equine Rescue France offers advice and support for English speakers facing equine welfare issues. Working with key UK charities, ERF are able to campaign for welfare improvements, whether enforcing existing legislation or campaigning for  change. By forging links with the key French associations, ERF are able to support their work as well as to instigate local actions.

Molly - A very happy rescue

Molly - A very happy rescue

One of Equine Rescue France's success stories involves a pair of equines named Molly and Merlin, who after a couple of false starts settled very happily into their new home.
© 2015 by Equine Rescue France

ERF has often removed horses and donkeys from maltreatment then rehabilitated and re-homed them under long-term loan contracts.  We are also able to advise individuals about horses and donkeys suffering from neglect. We have a system in place to ensure the appropriate authorities are swiftly contacted.

One of Equine Rescue France's success stories involves a pair of equines named Molly and Merlin, who after a couple of false starts settled very happily into their new home.

Before this, we had the unfortunate experience of a guardian trimming their feet by himself despite it being stated in the contract that was not allowed, so we had to move them as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, the guardian who took them on after that decided she no longer wanted them, and they were in foster for a short while before finally arriving at their fabulous forever home in the Vendee as one of Equine Rescue France's success stories.

Fund raising is an important part of their work since, although their work is voluntary there are regular vets and farriers bills to be paid.  Much needed funds are raised through fund-raising activities organised by volunteers, and donations are always welcome!

If you know of, or have heard of an equine needing help here are some options for you to consider;

  • If the equine looks badly injured or has been involved in an accident please contact the nearest Gendarmerie and/or a local vet immediately.
  • If you are concerned about an equine because it is malnourished, looks in bad health, is being abused,  or you are concerned because of  risk of injury occurring you can do one of the following..
  • “Porter plainte”  ( an official complaint) at the nearest Gendarmerie.
  • Contact a local vet and state your concerns.

If you have an equine you can no longer care for and wish to gift it to ERF please contact us and we will work with you to try to re-home it. Please be aware that in the current climate it is very hard to find good homes.

Founded in 2007, Equine Rescue France is a not for profit association (Loi 1901) whose aim is to improve the welfare of equines in France through acting for individual equines in difficulty, campaigning to meet and improve the current regulations and equine welfare education. In addition, ERF bridges the gap between UK charities and other associations in France.

Equine Rescue France is accredited as a Member Society of the W.S.P.A (World Society for the Protection of Animals). Our association statuts can be found here.

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

Author picture

As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
