Typical of most equine animal rescue non-profit organizations, All About Equine Animal Rescue (AAE) an equine rescue and rehabilitation organization located in El Dorado Hills, California is in need of volunteers in many capacities - everyone from farriers to bookkeepers are needed to keep the organization running smoothly as time and effort are expended to rescue and rehabilitate equines.

Equine rescue volunteers needed
A volunteer is a person who does some act without being under any obligation to do so and without being promised any compensation or remuneration for his or her services.
What is a volunteer? A volunteer is a person who does some act without being under any obligation to do so and without being promised any compensation or remuneration for his or her services.
All About Equine Animal Rescue, Inc. (AAE) is a 100% volunteer organization, and volunteer support is responsible and necessary for its success. We could not exist as we do without the timeless giving and tremendous efforts of our equine loving friends.
We have a multitude of needs, and we can likely find something for everyone: horse care (feeding, cleaning stalls and paddocks, filling and cleaning water troughs, and other tasks that need to be completed on a daily basis); facility maintenance (barn maintenance, fence checks, fence installation and repairs, weed control, tree maintenance, hazard watch, general maintenance and repairs, and other typical activities); fundraising, grant research and writing; administration/organization, outreach; events; special projects.
We need help with trailering/transportation, coordinating volunteers, event organization, processing adoption applications, checking references, doing site visits, and follow-up visits. We also have a need for very experienced riders, trainers, and handlers for horse training and development (grooming and hoof care, socialization, halter training, groundwork, saddle training, exercising, riding, and other related activities), as well as people with experience dealing with sick or injured horses. If you are not sure where you fit in, we can discuss to find out where your skills are best suited.
Volunteers that wish to work directly with horses are required to complete AAE’s Horsemanship 1A Orientation/Basic Safety training, which introduces the volunteer to AAE’s basic handling and safety practices to ensure volunteers are handling AAE’s horses utilizing AAE’s handling style, as well as employing basic safe handling practices. The cost for the orientation/training is $35.
AAE operates entirely by private donations and fundraising efforts. Due to the significant operational costs involved, including the insurance needed to utilize the help of volunteers, this fee helps defray our insurance costs as well as nominal administrative/organizational overhead costs associated with the rescue (e.g. website/internet costs, printing/paper, postage, etc.). Without insurance, we could not offer our volunteer opportunities (or implement new programs), and without volunteers, we could not do what we do. However, AAE does not want this to be a limiting factor. If the class fee is not financially feasible, we offer fundraising options or volunteer “scholarships” on a case-by-case basis.
Volunteers will receive an AAE t-shirt (when available), and the t-shirt should be worn while participating at AAE or in any AAE event. Due to the nature of general area/habitat and working with horses, for volunteer safety, AAE requires that all volunteers wear jeans and leather boots. AAE also suggests long sleeves, gloves, a hat, and sun/safety glasses, when and where appropriate. Additionally, due to the inherent risk associated with horse-related activities, AAE suggests volunteers have valid health insurance policy before participating in volunteer activities.
Thank you for caring about the horses!!
Why not volunteer at your local equine rescue?