This report collates information provided by diagnostic laboratories in Lexington, Kentucky, University of Kentucky Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (UKVDL) and Equine Diagnostic Solutions, Inc. (EDS).

Horse isolated in stall.
Information from all our sources shows Strep. equi spp. equi (Strangles) as the most frequently and consistently diagnosed equine pathogen for the first quarter of 2024.
© 2017 by Smerikal
We want to thank IDEXX laboratories providing data for Germany. We have further included information from the International Thoroughbred Breeders Federation, the International Collating Centre (ICC) in Newmarket/Cambridge, United Kingdom, and information from the American Association of Equine Practitioners’ Equine Disease Communication Center (EDCC).
This report summarizes heightened activity of several relevant contagious or environment-linked diseases among equids. We encourage everyone to report laboratory-confirmed (toxico)infectious disease of Equidae to the ICC in Cambridge, UK, or EDCC, USA.
With few exceptions, reports are from Europe and North America. Information from all our sources shows Strep. equi spp. equi (Strangles) as the most frequently and consistently diagnosed equine pathogen for the first quarter of 2024. Reports from various sources reflect ‘newly diagnosed’ infection. There have been sporadic reports of equine influenza virus, both from Europe and North America.
Two equine Rabies cases were reported from the Eastern United States, and single cases of EIA throughout North America. In Europe, EIA was diagnosed in Belgium, Germany and Hungary.
A case of Glanders (Burkholderia mallei) was reported from Iran. Many mares are in or entering their third trimester of pregnancies.
Not surprisingly, the numbers for EHV-1 (and EHV-4) abortions are up for the first quarter. All reports of EHV abortion originate from Europe, while there are no reports from North America. However, this is likely because of under reporting as UKVDL reports five fetuses aborted due to EHV-1 for the last quarter. Their data shows abortions in various breeds.
For the first quarter of 2024 there has been a drastic increase in EHV-1 neurologic disease (EHM) cases/outbreaks, both in North America, more than 20, and (primarily) Northern Europe (about 15). Our German sources, on the other hand, are reporting very low EHM activity for the first quarter. Affected breeds were Thoroughbred, ' Standardbred, Warmblood, Draft horse, Quarter Horse and “Pony.” While EHM outbreaks are often associated with “traveling horses,” there were a number of reports without this association, suggesting spontaneous and differently triggered reactivation from latent carriers.
Press release by Equine Disease Quarterly - EDITORS - Lynne Cassone, Lutz Goehring, Allen Page - STAFF - Holly Wiemers, Hendri Smeenk
Researchers - Lutz Goehring, Edward O. Olajide. --- Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Research Center