FREE Webinar - Land Issues Related to Small Property Horse Keeping

Horse in paddock backed by red barn.
Horse in paddock backed by red barn. William Garrett

Newsdate: Friday 18 October 2019 – 10:00 am
Location: EAST LANSING, Michigan

My Horse University is sponsoring a free webinar "Land Issues Related to Small Property Horse Keeping" in conjunction with Equine Land Conservation.

Woman and child enjoying petting a horse.

Woman and child enjoying petting a horse

Using examples from several communities , you'll learn how your community practices and regulations enter into the decision to keep horses at your residence.
© 2003 by Jolante van Hemert

Webinar Topic: Considering Land Issues Related to Small Property Horse Keeping - Date/Time: October 22, 2019 at 7:00 pm ET - Speaker: Denise O'Meara
Director of Education, Equine Land Conservation Resource

Webinar Description: Using examples from several communities around the country that allow horses to be kept on small acreage and residential properties, you’ll learn how your community’s zoning practices, prevalence of existing horse-related activities, land characteristics, building codes, tax structure, state regulations and other factors enter into the decision to keep horses at your residence. Questions such as: ‘Does your community identify itself through horses? Are there places and trails already in place to ride? and, Am I prepared to do the work and upkeep that horses and their surrounds require?

Speaker Bio: Presenter Denise O’Meara is the director of education at ELCR, an experienced landscape architect and presenter, with almost 20 years of experience in the thoroughbred industry. Her interest in small property horse-keeping comes from youth experiences on Long Island, New York, where hundreds of horses are maintained in legally zoned, back yard stables, including her own childhood neighborhood. To read the original ELCR article of the same name, visit

For more information on the Equine Land Conservation Resource visit their website at:

Press release provided by My Horse University

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