Horse Care Info Sheet - Emergency Preparedness

Horse walking through a paddock in front of a picturesque red barn.
Horse walking through a paddock in front of a picturesque red barn. William Garrett

Newsdate: Thursday, May 4, 2023 - 11:00 am
Location: GUELPH, Ontario

During Emergency preparedness week May 7 - 13, Equine Guelph invites horse owners to check how prepared their barn is for dealing with emergency incidents that may threaten their horses and their property.

Hungry horse reaching through stall window for a bite of hay

Hungry horse reaching through stall window for a bite of hay

Equine Guelph invites horse owners to check how prepared they are for dealing with emergency incidents in and around their barns that may threaten their horses and their property.
© 2016 by Makarova Viktoria New window.

While one can’t plan for every form of disaster, it’s important to familiarize yourself with any potential risks that could occur in your area and plan for them accordingly. Planning ahead can allow horse owners the opportunity to stay composed and act quickly in an emergency situation

Preplanning Checklist:

  • Survey your property and map out the location of all dwellings and animal barns, along with the amount and type of livestock.
  • Outline and practice emergency evacuation/fire escape plans (emergency action plans) and ensure that evacuation routes include containment areas for any evacuated animals.
  • Provide your emergency action plans in a prominent location (i.e. whiteboard) and confirm individuals that assist if needed, especially if you are unable to get to your property.
  • Keep an up-to-date emergency contact list, which would also include individuals who would be able to assist with transporting and sheltering your horses.
  • Ensure that your address (fire number) is prominently displayed and visible from both directions for emergency responders.
  • Make sure that all your horses have some form of identification (i.e. livestock markers etc)
  • Photograph your horses from all angles and keep three printed copies; one in barn in waterproof pouch (Ziploc bag), one with you< and one off site.
  • Safely store a two-week supply of feed/hay (with feeding instructions) and ensure a minimum three-day supply of water stored in covered containers.
  • Store any medications and supplements in an airtight, waterproof container. Always read labels and store at appropriate temperatures.
  • Assemble and maintain an equine emergency care kit that includes vetwrap, bandages, medications stored in correct temperature range), flashlights, batteries, etc., and keep it with up-to-date records on your horse’s vaccinations and medications, etc.
  • Make sure that insurance coverage on your property and horses is up to date.
    Press release by EquineGuelph

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