My Horse University Announces Free Webinar: Action for Equestrian Trails

Cowgirl enjoying trail riding through pond.
Cowgirl enjoying trail riding through pond. Geoffrey Kuchera

Newsdate: Monday, November 12, 2018, 11:00 am
Location: EAST LANSING, Michigan

In a free live webcast provided by My Horse University, Gwen Wills of the Pennsylvania Equine Council will speak about the issues, solutions, and collaborations with local and state agencies, equine advocacy organizations and consultants that must be understood, developed and maintained to keep and expand trails access for equestrians.

Horses and riders on wilderness trail.

Horses and riders on wilderness trail

Gwen Wills of the Pennsylvania Equine Council will speak about the issues, solutions, and collaborations necessary to develop and maintain trails.
© 2006 by Forest Service Northern Region

She will also address equestrian trail behaviors, including how to avoid potential conflicts and work with other user groups, good environmental practices that will protect trail corridor land and habitat from environmental damage. Read More

Free Webinar: Action for Equestrian Trails in Pennsylvania and Beyond - November 13, 2018 - 7 pm ET

This webinar is brought to you by My Horse University and the Equine Land Conservation Resource.

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Press release provided by My Horse University

Speaker Bio:

Gwen developed and conducts 3-Day and 1-Day Trail Stewardship Workshops to prepare volunteers interested in preserving shared-use non-motorized trails.  The Workshops also train volunteers and agency personnel to work together in order to maintain sustainable trails and to possibly layout and construct reroutes or connectors, if needed, to bypass unsustainable portions of the trails. 2-Day Packing Clinics are also offered for a more “land friendly” approach for packing gravel, tools and materials for trail work. Other educational programs have also been produces from 1 hour to one day regarding “Leave no Trace/Ride Smart” to educate non-motorized trail users about appropriate behavior and shared use ethics while enjoying our great outdoors.

The overall goal of the PEC Trail Committee is to prepare and preserve Pennsylvania’s trails for the benefit and cooperative use of hikers, bikers, and equestrians.

Gwen is also a member of the American Horse Council’s Recreation Committee and the PA Trails Advisory Committee.

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Press Release

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