According to a press release from the Italian Horse Protection Association, the results of research carried out by one French and two American universities, and an inquiry by the Equine Welfare Alliance (USA), show that at least part of the horsemeat sold in European markets has been subjected to NO checks whatsoever for drugs present in the slaughtered animals.
IHP asserts, moreover, that since autumn 2010, the European health authorities have been fully aware of this fact, yet have done nothing to protect the health interests of the European consumer.
Sonny Richichi, IHP Organizational Manager, and also head of the 'Horse Slaughtering' section, affirms, "With the myth that horse meat contains more iron and is good for the blood those countries where horsemeat is widely consumed are administering to the most vulnerable members of society a cocktail of anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, hormones that control estrous cycle and who knows what other substances."
Antonio Nardi-Dei da Filicaja, President of IHP adds, "The European health authorities make big news of the checks on meat and how they track and trace it all from source, but then they sweep under the carpet the results of their own inquiries which reveal that not only does a significant percentage of the horse meat on the market not have any credible certification regarding the use of drugs prior to slaughter, but comes from countries where pretty well any drug is legally permitted and used at the discretion of the owner of the animal.
Thus while fully cognisant of the risks that eating horse meat holds for consumers, the authorities have turned a blind eye and tried to conceal the incriminating evidence. According to the FAO, in 2009 approximately 16,000 ton of horse meat entered the EU from Canada and Mexico. In general, around 50% of horse meat consumed in Italy comes from abroad.