Standing with Wild Mustangs: The Virtual Reality Experience Brought to You by America’s Mustang

Wild horses being gathered by BLM.
Wild horses being gathered by BLM. BLM-Oregon

Newsdate: Fri May 11, 2018, 11:30 am
Location: GEORGETOWN, Texas

America’s Mustang is an educational program of the Mustang Heritage Foundation (MHF). The goal of the America’s Mustang Experience is to educate the public about the needs of the mustang, the conditions of the rangelands in which they live and how the public can get involved to preserve the American mustang or even own one for their own. The America’s Mustang Experience is a traveling exhibit aimed at helping Americans understand the mustang’s beauty and spirit, all while providing the opportunity to learn about the conditions of our public rangelands.

Mustangs in BLM pen.

Mustangs in BLM pen

The America's Mustang Experience is a 40 ft. interactive trailer filled with educational videos and information about mustangs and the public lands on which they live.
© 2016 by BLM New window.

The America’s Mustang Experience is a 40 ft. interactive trailer filled with educational videos and information about our mustangs and the public lands on which they live. The Experience includes a virtual reality video station where visitors can stand face-to-face with wild mustangs to see, hear and experience their habits on the rangeland.

“Many Americans do not have the opportunity to experience the splendor of standing with wild horses on the range and we are excited to make that available to all Americans through the America’s Mustang Experience,” said Kali Sublett, Executive Director of the Mustang Heritage Foundation.  “It is important that we all begin to learn and understand more about the mustangs and the lands they inhabit.”

The America’s Mustang Experience travels across the United States to increase the awareness of mustangs. The 2018 tour schedule includes the following dates and locations:

  • May 14 - Mineral Wells High School - Mineral Wells, TX
  • June 21-23 - Extreme Mustang Makeover - Lexington, KY
  • June 30 - Williamson County Path to the Plate - Georgetown, TX
  • September 6-8 - Extreme Mustang Makeover - Fort Worth, TX
  • October 24-27 - National FFA Convention - Indianapolis, IN

For information about becoming a sponsor of the America’s Mustang Experience, call the MHF office at (512) 869-3225.

For more information about the America’s Mustang Program including facts about the rangeland conditions, the history of the mustang and how to help spread the word, visit

For information on how to adopt a wild horse, visit

About the Mustang Heritage Foundation

The primary mission of the Mustang Heritage Foundation is to create and promote programs and activities that provide information and education about wild horses and burros, elevate their image and desirability, provide opportunities to become involved in the wild horse and burro experience and secure adequate numbers of caring homes for excess horses. Working in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management the Mustang Heritage Foundation works to ensure healthy wild herds and rangelands through the placement of excess animals removed from public lands so future generations can enjoy this distinctive part of our American heritage. As a 501 (C)(3), public, charitable, nonprofit organization, the Mustang Heritage Foundation works to identify and develop sources of private financial funding to further support the mission of the Foundation. For more information visit

About the Bureau of Land Management

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) removes wild horses and burros from public lands to ensure a healthy balance of land and animals. Since 1971, the BLM has placed more than 235,000 wild horses and burros into good homes nationwide. Partnerships, like the Mustang Heritage Foundation, provide the BLM with additional opportunities to place animals into good homes. Interested applicants can attend BLM offsite adoption/sales event, visit a BLM Off-Range Corral, or participate in an Internet adoption/sales event to apply to take a wild horse or burro home! To learn more about the Wild Horse and Burro Program, please call 866-468-7826 or visit BLM.GOV/whb.

The BLM manages more than 245 million acres of public land, the most of any Federal agency. This land is primarily located in 12 Western states, including Alaska. The BLM also administers 700 million acres of subsurface mineral estate throughout the nation. The BLM's mission is to manage and conserve America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations under our mandate of multiple-use and sustained yield.

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EquiMed Staff

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