To Blanket or Not To Blanket? Consider Your Horse

Newsdate: Sat 26 November 2016 – 7:30 am

According to Mark Russell, assistant professor-equine extension, for the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, "Except for horses with very short hair, a blanket may not be the best thing for horses kept outside in winter, especially when it’s wet. When it's wet and cold like this, it's OK for a horse to be in a pasture. They were intended to be outside.”

A case-by-case decision on horse blankets

A case-by-case decision on horse blankets

When deciding if a horse blanket is right for your horse, the most important things to consider are the horse's living situation and daily tasks.

Horses generate lots of heat, kept in by their coats. “As long as the horse has grown its winter hair, it doesn’t need to wear a blanket outside and adding that blanketing can backfire. “The blanket actually pushes the hair down, compressing the air spaces and the horse's hair isn't able to insulate the way it's intended.”

Also, for anyone who has to keep horse clothing clean knows, it takes a long time for a winter blanket or sheet to dry and anything damp draped over a horse in the cold like that can do much more harm than it could ever do good. Horses grow winter hair for a reason and it's their natural way of keeping warm.

When deciding if a horse blanket is right for your horse, the most important things to consider are the horses living situation and daily tasks.

The easiest way to tell if your horse needs a winter blanket is to observe him in cold temperatures. Is he shivering? If so, he needs a winter blanket.

If your horse is a backyard trail horse, with a protective shed and a full coat in the winter, you may not need a blanket at all. Typically, horses in these situations will do fine with their own coat for protection against the elements. The only exception would be if you live in a climate with extreme temperatures. In these cases, your horse may need a winter blanket.

Winter blankets are the thickest, warmest horse blanket made and are comparable to a winter coat for a person. In extremely cold conditions, any type of horse may need a winter blanket, whether stalled or in the pasture with a shelter. .

If you do blanket him, make sure to remove the blanket when the temperature warms up. It is harmful to your horse for him to be too cold, but being overly hot is also dangerous. To check, periodically run your hand underneath your horse’s winter blanket. If your horse is sweating, it’s time for a lighter blanket or none at all.

If you own a show horse who’s body shaved regularly, completely different rules apply and you will most likely need some type of blanket. Shaving a horse’s normal coat leaves him defenseless against many outside elements and the right blanket can help you compensate for this.

A turnout blanket will most likely be needed if you own a show horse that is regularly clipped. Turnout blankets are made of heavy-duty material and can be worn in cold or warm temperatures.

Turnout blankets are dual purpose, offering protection from cold in low temperatures and sunburn in the summer. Use the same principle as with winter blankets - don’t leave a turnout blanket on your horse if he is sweating.

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

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As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
