Newsdate: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 - 8:24 am Location: ITHACA, New York Cornell University is offering a summer course introducing aspiring veterinarians, horse enthusiasts, and curious career explorers to the worlds of horse husbandry and veterinary medicin
Study results showed that the raw horse manure applied as fertilizer was the most likely source of contamination of garden soil with Salmonella bacterial pathogens.
Research shows that horse back riding and caring for a horse pays huge dividends for many including the disabled, children with autism, adults suffering from depression and various addictions.
By joining Ride-Alert, riders can be identified quickly and emergency services will learn of any medical conditions or allergies that might affect treatment, plus your family will be informed as soon as you're found during an emergency.
Donations to the benefit auction held by Road to the Horse plus wristbands sold to the public raised $97,000 to be donated to Central Kentucky Riding for Hope's Equine Services for Heroes Program.
Modern horse breeds were established in the last two centuries and has been achieved through the use in breeding of a few selected males thereby restricting the genetic diversity.
The viability of composted stable waste re-used as bedding for horses has financial benefits by saving on the cost of material purchased, disposal of stable waste, and further savings in health care costs.
A recent survey shows that horse owners would welcome more advice on the options open to them when it comes to dealing with the death of a horse or pony and the disposal of its body.
The research team will examine the effects of 6 weeks of therapeutic horseback riding on 40 U.S. military veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and/or Traumatic Brain Injury.
The second leg of the NCHA Triple Crown, the NCHA Super Stakes and Super Stakes Classic, will feature the world's top equine athletes competing for a $3 Million purse in Fort Worth, Texas, March 28 through April 20. 2013.