In the event your world is not perfect, and your horse is not a robot, it is good to be prepared to handle emotional overload in horses.
Horses have unprecedented healing power and they help us learn, lead and live better.
It is not easy to manage horse care in any temperature extreme, but by making informed decisions about barn design and incorporating the right features, you and your horses reap the benefits later.
New book addresses the abuse and crimes against horses resulting from greed and quest for fame.
Study results showed that domesticated pigs and horses can tell the difference, both when the sounds come from their own species and near relatives, as well as from human voices.
Humans must become the alpha in the human-horse dynamic for the relationship to be safe and successful.
The standing CT reduces the risks involved in the procedure by removing the need for general anesthesia for the horse and we're planning to use the CT on a wide variety of cases.
Daily turnout helped the foals to develop an open mind, lots of exposure to herd dynamics, plus sound bodies.
The critical key is knowing all the hows, whens, and whys of keeping an equine athlete shoeless, and success involves careful management and understanding about each horse's genetics, foot health, nutrition, farriery, bedding, and more.
New research shows us that age-old interactions between people and their horses can teach us something about building robots designed to improve our lives.