Scientists at the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences evaluated the effectiveness of three different approaches to conditioning horses in calmly accepting scary objects.
One of McLain Ward's top jumpers gains steam in his Olympic pursuit to win gold in horse competitions.
Roberts aims to create a one of a kind experience, uniting outstanding speakers and live demonstrations with horses, to show the unprecedented difference horses can make across all aspects of life.
The book brings to life not only how much our four-legged friends brighten our days, but also how they complicate our lives in delightfully unpredictable ways.
Say 'Bye' to flies for horse health and comfort; implement these fly control strategy.
Sometimes life gives us lemons and we can make lemonade, and sometimes we just can't make sense of those lemons.
When a horse is overwhelmed emotionally and becomes reactive, it's behavior will escalate unless we take active measures to retrieve the horse from the downward spiral.
Combining beautiful cinematography with expert interviews, Wild Lands Wild Horses seeks to tell the story of America's wild horses .
Penn Vet’s research team at the college’s New Bolton Center has developed a real-time test to detect whether a specific gene therapy agent has been injected into the joint of a horse.
Cummings School faculty and students do the work to scientifically validate remedy for horses suffering from tendon and ligament damage.