2014 Equine West Nile Virus Update: Fourteen Confirmed Equine Cases in California

Newsdate: Mon 13 October 2014 - 08:24 am
Location: SACRAMENTO, California

For 2014, a total of fourteen (14) horses have been confirmed positive for West Nile Virus in California. The positive horses are located in the following counties; Fresno (2), Madera (1), Merced (1), Sonoma (1), San Benito (1), Solano (1), Shasta (1), Calaveras (1), San Luis Obispo (1), San Bernardino (1), Riverside (1), Kern (1), and Modoc (1).

Checking a horse with West Nile Virus symptoms

Checking a horse with West Nile Virus symptoms

Clinical signs of West Nile Virus may cause a wide range of clinical illness ranging from mild” flu-like” signs to encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) that may be fatal to both humans and horses.

Twelve of the fourteen horses are alive and recovering. Two of the fourteen horses were euthanized. CDFA continually monitors and investigates equine neurologic cases for the presence of WNV in California. CDFA urges horse owners to consult their veterinarian concerning a WNV vaccination program to ensure maximum protection of their horses.

West Nile Virus West Nile Virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne virus first detected in the United States (US) in the New York City area in 1999. Since 1999, the virus has spread throughout the US and Canada, infecting birds, humans, horses and other mammals. As of 2012, more than 25,000 horses in the US have been infected since the disease was first identified.

The virus is maintained in the wild bird population and is spread between birds by mosquitoes. Birds are considered the natural reservoir for WNV since high levels of virus circulate in their bloodstream. Mosquitoes acquire WNV in blood meals from infected birds and pass it on to other birds, animals, and people.

Mosquitoes that feed on an infected horse or human have not demonstrated the ability to ingest enough of the virus to transmit it to other animals or humans; therefore, horses and humans are considered “dead end hosts.”

Clinical Signs West Nile Virus may cause a wide range of clinical illness ranging from mild” flu-like” signs to encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) that may be fatal to both humans and horses. While horses are susceptible to WNV infection, many infected horses do not develop clinical illness and recover uneventfully.

Consult a veterinarian if your horse exhibits any of the following clinical signs:

  • Fever
  • Incoordination, especially in rear limbs, causing stumbling and falling
  • Generalized weakness,
  • Muscle twitching,
  • Seizures or coma
  • Drooping lips and lip smacking,
  • Head drooping,
  • Grinding teeth
  • Hypersensitivity to touch or sound
  • Recumbency (inability to rise)

Diagnosis Any horse displaying abnormal behavior or neurologic signs should be examined by a veterinarian to rule out neurologic diseases, such as WNV, Equine Herpes Virus-1, Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalopathy, Eastern/Western Encephalomyelitis and Rabies. Blood samples should be collected by a veterinarian and sent for diagnostic testing.

The WNV IgM capture ELISA test is a specific test that detects acute WNV infection in animals, is usually positive within six (6) days post infection and can remain positive for up to two (2) months post infection. A positive WNV IgM Capture ELISA test is indicative of recent infection. Unexposed animals vaccinated for WNV will test negative on the WNV IgM capture ELISA test.

Treatment and Prognosis

Currently, there is no specific treatment for WNV. Supportive care includes administration of anti-inflammatory drugs and intravenous fluids. Recumbent WNV positive horses are at a higher risk of dying or requiring euthanasia. For horses exhibiting clinical signs of WNV, the case fatality rate is approximately 33%; however, many infected horses will fully recover following infection.


Vaccination and mosquito control minimize the risk of WNV infection in horses. Although the number of WNV infected horses has declined over the last five years, WNV remains an important disease in unvaccinated horses. The American Association of Equine Practitioners recommends incorporation of WNV vaccine as an annual core vaccine in equine vaccination protocols. Horse owners should consult with their veterinary practitioner to ensure current WNV vaccination status of their horses.

Mosquito Control

Minimizing horse exposure to mosquitoes during the peak mosquito feeding periods at dawn and dusk decreases the risk of horse exposure to WNV. Application of mosquito repellant can also effectively reduce the number of mosquito bites on horses. Mosquito control efforts to eliminate mosquito breeding sites are also important. Methods to eliminate mosquito breeding sites include:

  • Draining unnecessary standing water found in wheelbarrows, tires, etc.
  • Cleaning water containers at least weekly (i.e., bird baths, plant saucers)
  • Scheduling pasture irrigation to minimize standing water
  • Keeping swimming pools optimally chlorinated and draining water from pool covers
  • Stocking of water tanks with fish that consume mosquito larvae

(Contact local mosquito control for assistance) or use mosquito “dunk” available at hardware stores.

California’s WNV Surveillance WNV surveillance includes testing samples from dead birds, sentinel chickens, mosquito pools, horses and humans. The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) works with federal, state and local health and agricultural agencies to minimize the impact of WNV on the equine industry. CDFA confirms suspect equine WNV cases, maintains horse surveillance data and educates horse owners on WNV disease control and prevention. Collaborating agencies use the surveillance information to focus disease control efforts.

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

Author picture

As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
