80 Million "Working Equines" Need Help

Newsdate: Mon, 3 June 2013 - 6:30 am
Location: WEATHERFORD, Texas

FullBucket Veterinary Formulated Supplements is helping bring the plight of the world's "Working Equid" to light. FullBucket has created a mini-documentary video to help demonstrate how the first social business in the animal healthcare industry is taking part in helping these animals.

Fullbucket supplements for hard working equines

Fullbucket supplements for hard working equines

Working with the Equitarians, Fullbucket has provided over 2-tons of supplement to needy working equines, and for every bucket you buy, they donate one bucket to needy animals.

Working Equids are donkeys, mules and horses that are used for work in developing countries. They are used daily to haul supplies, people, food and water by poor communities.

"In the US, we see abuse and abandonment issues to horses and various animal species. And there are literally thousands of organizations that provide support for these cases. It's a wonderful thing. However, in many nations around the world, there just is no help.

Ignorance and poverty reign supreme in these situations. We are providing our time and a specially formulated supplement to these animals in need." says Robo Hendrickson, FullBucket's marketing & sales director.

"Dr. Keith and I made our first trip with the Equitarian Initiative to Mexico during the initial Workshop in 2011. It taught us how to organize and manage our own trips. The next year we (FullBucket) were able to return with the Equitarians and provide over 2-tons of supplement to these animals.

We had the supplement formulated by working with the University of Mexico's (UNAM) Equine Director Dr. Mariano Gil. His students went to the areas most in need and conducted stool and soil samples. We then made a formula that would address the needs of the specific region.

This was a very volcanic region and the soil and feed stuffs are deficient in many essential vitamins and minerals. For sustainability, we are working more with UNAM's students in their regional programs for continuing distribution." says cofounder Dr. Rob Franklin, DVM, DACVIM.

"As we grow the support system we'll grow our giving program." continued Dr. Keith Latson, DVM DACVS. "Many of the current assistant programs rely on donations and government support. We wanted to build a business that could sustain a program without outside influence or reliance. In the future, this will allow flexibility and quick decision making on our part."

The cofounders have created a way for anyone to get involved through their get plugged in program. Find out more by visiting: http://fullbuckethealth.com/our-crusade/plugin/

The cofounders are making the rounds speaking about their endeavor and ambition of combining a business life with a personal desire to do good through philanthropy. You can learn more by visiting the website full bucket.org or contact Robo.

FULLBUCKET Veterinary Formulated Supplements for Equines:

"For Every FullBucket You Buy, We Give One To An Animal in Need!"

FullBucket is a division of Animal Stewards International. ASI has several brands of animal healthcare products that are developed by veterinary specialists Rob Franklin, DVM, DACVIM and Keith Latson, DVM, DACVS to address the needs of their clinical patients.

The products were so successful that most all of the well-respected animal clinics and Universities in the US now use FullBucket on their patience to fight GI disease and provide immunity.

However, Rob & Keith didn't want an ordinary business. FullBucket was formed out of a desire to combine a professional life with a philanthropic life.

During a volunteer veterinary outpost to Veracruz, Mexico in 2011 the two veterinarians distilled their vision of helping undernourished working animals in undeveloped regions achieve improved health and well-being through a Giving Initiative: for every serving of supplement sold, a serving of supplement specifically developed for the region is given to animals in need. All of ASI’s brands adhere to the mantra of “Be Good & Do Good.”

Learn more FullBucket Digestive Care products and their Giving Initiative. Or contact Robo at robo@fullbuckethealth.com | 817-846-7819

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

Author picture

As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
