Have you called your Farrier recently? If it’s been a while, it probably means your horse, and your Farrier, are ready for some attention and care.
This is National Farriers' week and a good farrier can make the difference between a happy, healthy horse or a horse that is miserable, and uncooperative with painful, uncared for feet and hooves. In many cases, a farrier, quite literally, saves the life of a hurting horse because of the skill and expertise the farrier brings to his work.
A farrier's work is often time consuming, exhausting, dirty, and difficult. Working with large animals that are not always cooperative, bending over to take care of their hooves, making sure the hooves are balanced as well as corrected where necessary, and then shoeing them properly to meet the particular horse's needs is a challenge.
Most farriers care a great deal about horses and enjoy the hard work although their working conditions are not always ideal.
In honor of National Farriers Week the American Farriers Journal has created a special certificate of recognition available on their website to thank your hoof care professional for a job well done. Pay tribute to your Farrier for their dedication and professionalism by visiting www.americanfarriers.com//ff/câertif and downloading the certificate