Confirmed Case of Hendra Virus in Horse in New South Wales

Newsdate: Mon, 8 July 2013 - 7:55 am
Location: NEW SOUTH WALES, Australia

Hendra virus has been confirmed as the cause of death for one horse on a second Macksville property in New South Wales. The NSW Department of Primary Industries confirmed the death today, which is the second to occur in the region in recent weeks.

Carriers of Hendra virus in horses

Carriers of Hendra virus in horses

Because this is the second case of Hendra virus in the area this year, horse owners should immediately talk with a veterinarian about vaccinating their horses.

NSW chief veterinary officer Ian Roth said the property had been quarantined and the DPI, Livestock Health and Pest Authority and NSW Health were working closely with the property owners.

"Samples from the six-year-old gelding were sent to DPI's Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute and results confirmed last night," Roth said.

"Two other horses from the property, three dogs and two cats will be closely monitored by NSW biosecurity experts.

"An LHPA veterinarian is taking samples of the remaining horses and the companion animals. The remaining horses will be vaccinated against Hendra. This case is not connected to the previous Hendra case in Macksville last month."

Roth said with it being the second Hendra case this year, it was a timely reminder that horse owners should speak with their private veterinarian about vaccinating their horse against the Hendra virus.

"Hendra virus can spread from flying foxes to horses and, rarely, from horses to people," he said.

"Hendra virus can cause a range of clinical signs in horses."

Some of the more common symptoms that are seen are an acute onset of fever and rapid progression to death associated with either respiratory or neurological signs.

"Vaccination is the single most effective way of reducing the risk of Hendra virus infection in horses," Roth said.

Hendra virus is a notifiable disease - if you suspect the presence of this disease in horses, you must report it. The Emergency Disease Watch Hotline number is 1800 675 888.

DPI advises horse owners to take precautions in areas with flying foxes to reduce the risk of horses becoming infected:

  • Talk with your private veterinarian about vaccinating your horse
  • Place feed and water containers under cover
  • Do not place feed and water under trees, especially trees with fruit
  • Do not use feed that could attract flying foxes, such as apples, carrots, or molasses
  • Remove horses from paddocks where fruiting or flowering trees have temporarily attracted flying foxes
  • If it is not possible to remove the horse from the paddock, tape off the area under the tree.

NSW Health advises people to always take the following steps to reduce the risk of becoming infected with Hendra virus:

  • Cover any cuts or abrasions on exposed skin before handling horses and wash your hands well with soap and water, especially after handling your horse's mouth or nose (for example, fitting or removing a bridle) and before eating, smoking or touching your eyes, nose or mouth
  • Don't kiss horses on the muzzle (especially not if the horse is sick)
  • Use personal protective equipment to protect yourself from the body fluids of horses.

Learn more about Hendra Virus in horses

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

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As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
