Course in Equine Medicine for Vets Being Offered in Germany

Newsdate: Sat 18 January 2014 – 7:30 am
Location: MUNICH, Germany

A 2-day practical course in Equine Medicine suitable for veterinarians from mixed and equine practices who are keen to update their knowledge and practical skills on most diagnostic techniques currently used in Equine Medicine is being held at Tierärztliche Pferdeklinik Parsdorf, near Munich, Southern Germany on 31 January - 1 February, 2014.

Learning the latest in equine medicine

Learning the latest in equine medicine

A practical course in Equine Medicine suitable for veterinarians from mixed and equine practices who are keen to update their knowledge and practical skills on diagnostic techniques is being held 31 January - 1 February, 2014 near Munich, Germany.

Included in the course are:

  • Abdominal, thoracic and ocular ultrasonography (incl. ultrasound-guided liver & kidney biopsy techniques),
  • Cardiac auscultation & its interpretation,
  • Upper & lower respiratory tract endoscopy (incl. BAL, TW & guttural pouch lavage techniques),
  • Pleural drainage,
  • Muscle / bone marrow biopsy techniques
  • Local anaesthetic techniques used in headshaking cases etc.

The panel of speakers/instructors consisting of Prof. Andy Durham (Liphook, UK), Prof. Gunther van Loon (Ghent, Belgium) and Victoria Copas (Liphook, UK), all very experienced and renowned Specialists in Equine Medicine, will also discuss how to investigate horses with metabolic conditions (incl. Cushings), polyuria/polydipsia and arrhythmias. 

In the mornings the following topics will be covered in lectures and case presentations (in English, no translation but with German moderation): 

  • Equine Metabolic Syndrome - Investigation & Diagnosis
  • Cushings - Use & Choice of Diagnostic Methods
  • Abdominal Ultrasonography (incl. renal biopsy techniques)
  • Liver Disease Investigations (incl. biopsy techniques)
  • Cardiac Auscultation - Which murmurs are significant?
  • Investigation of Anaemia (incl. bone marrow biopsy techniques)
  • Diagnostic Techniques for Respiratory Diseases - Strangles, inflammatory airway diseases, recurrent airway obstruction, headshaking etc.
  • Non-Cardiac Thoracic Ultrasonography & Pleural Drainage
  • Polyuria & Polydipsia Investigations
  • Ocular Ultrasonography
  • Diagnostic Techniques for Muscle Conditions

Open and frank discussions are encouraged during the dedicated question times and the speakers will share their personal experiences (successes and failures) with attendees. 

In the afternoon, two 3½-hour practical sessions will give delegates plenty of opportunity to put theory into practice on live horses and cadaver specimens and to ask questions in small groups (2 - 5 delegates), all under the supervision of specialists. The following practical sessions will be covered during the course: 

  • Abdominal Ultrasonography and Peritoneal Tap Techniques
  • Ultrasound-guided Liver & Renal Biopsy Techniques
  • Upper Respiratory Endoscopy incl. BAL, Tracheal and GP washes, nerve blocks for headshaking etc.
  • Thoracic/Ocular Ultrasound & Bone Marrow Biopsy Techniques.

Each delegate will also rotate through the following case-based discussion stations:

Equine Metabolic Syndrome & Cushings - Investigation, Diagnosis and Therapy, Arrhythmias - Diagnosis, Clinical Relevance and Therapy

The course fee includes lunches at a restaurant, coffee/tea breaks, extensive course notes and a certificate of attendance. Delegates can choose to only attend the lectures or can register for the entire course.  On the evening of the first day all delegates are invited to attend the course dinner, which costs 55 CHF (not included in the registration fee; drinks will be charged extra). Early course registration is recommended as there are only a limited number of places available. See Equine Veterinary Conference for complete information.

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

Author picture

As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
