Allergens exist everywhere -- on pasture, in trees, in your horse's feed, and in the air he breathes. Some, such as pollens, are natural and others are added to feeds (i.e. preservatives). Some horses are allergic to specific foods; for example, soy is a common allergen. And then there are the insect bites—like those from biting midges--that torment some horses more than others.
Anything that stimulates your horse's immune system to combat an invasion of allergens will cause a reaction. The respiratory system and the skin are more commonly affected.
Anything that stimulates your horse’s immune system to combat an invasion of allergens will cause a reaction. The respiratory system and the skin are more commonly affected, but an inflammatory reaction can occur just about anywhere.
Is it time to go beyond the antihistamines and the steroids that you've been giving your horses? Is there a way to help the body heal and better adjust to the environment? Nutritional intervention may just be the key.
Join Dr. Juliet Getty on Thursday, January 24, 2013 for a 90 minute teleseminar on “Easing Allergies through Nutrition.”
The teleseminar will emphasize:
- Evaluating the entire diet
- Easing inflammation
- Using vitamins as pharmaceuticals
- Culicoides (biting midges)
- Hives
- Heaves
- Photosensitivity
- Implementing “Dr. Getty's Fighting Formula”
- Introducing specific whole foods to the diet
- Overall healing of the immune system
Date: Thursday, January 24, 2013
Time: 8:00 to 9:30 pm, Eastern Standard Time (7 pm Central; 6 pm Mountain; 5 pm Pacific)
Cost: $15 (your long distance charges may apply); $27 for teleseminar plus audio CD
Register at . All registrants will be able attend the live event and later listen to and/or download the recording. Registrants receive a confirming email (during business hours) that provides the phone number and conference code for the option to call in for the live event. The day following the event, registrants receive the website link to the recording, which can be heard through the computer or downloaded to a computer or mp3 player. If the teleseminar date/time is not convenient for any reason, the registrant will still receive access information on how to listen/download the recording.
Dr. Getty will answer questions during the teleseminar; questions and answers are included in the recording. Pre-submitted questions are welcome but they are not necessary, nor is active participation in the seminar; participants may simply listen in. Email specific concerns no later than Thursday morning of the event date to: .
Juliet M. Getty, Ph.D. is an internationally respected equine nutritionist available for private consultations and speaking engagements. Beginning in 2013, Dr. Getty will be a regular contributor to the Horse Journal. At, sign up for her informative—and free—monthly newsletter, Forage for Thought, read articles, search her nutrition forum, enroll in upcoming teleseminars and purchase previously recorded events. Contact Dr. Getty directly at