Equine Infectious Anemia - Contagious and Deadly - What Every Horse Owner Needs to Know

Biting flies arttacking the area around a horse's eye.
Biting flies arttacking the area around a horse's eye. Scone Equine Hospital

Newsdate: October 14, 2024 - 11:30 am
Location: GILROY, California

A recent outbreak of a deadly viral equine disease has caught the attention of many horse owners and caregivers. With cases in California, New Mexico, and Texas, horse owners are watching their own horses carefully for any signs of equine infectious anemia.

Biting flies on a horse's face.

Biting flies on a horse's face.

In cases of equine infectious anemia, the rapid breakdown and destruction of red blood cells results in severe anemia and death may be the first indication of disease.
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Signs include fever, depression, swollen legs and belly, loss of appetitie, loss of coordination, weakness and lethargy. Pregnant mares may abort their foals.

Causes and progression of equine infectious anemia

When horseflies or deerflies bite a horse infected with equine infectious anemia, the flies get blood from the infected horse on their mouth parts and then carry the infection on to other horses. In some cases, the initial clinical signs of equine infectious anemia are mild and go unnoticed, but other horses may become seriously ill within one to three weeks.

The initial clinical sign is usually a high fever, up to 105 degrees or more. As the disease develops, the immune system, via antibodies, attacks and destroys the horse's red blood cells leading to anemia.

Vital organs such as bone marrow, liver, heart and kidney may be damaged by accompanying inflammation and secondary infections such as pneumonia may occur because of suppression of the immune system.

Three distinct types of illness make up the progression of equine infectious anemia, but symptoms overlap: The acute illness is characterized by high fever, severe anemia, weakness, swelling of abdomen and legs, a weak pulse and an irregular heart beat. The rapid breakdown and destruction of red blood cells results in severe anemia and death may be the first indication of the disease.

Less serious cases of the illness progress more slowly and are less severe. In the less severe form of the disease similar symptoms occur, but they are not nearly as serious as in the acute form of the  illness. The horse may become jaundiced and an enlarged spleen may be felt with a rectal examination.

The chronic illness is characterized by recurrent fever and anemia. The horse tires easily and is lethargic and depressed.

After the first bout with the disease, most horses suffer recurrent episodes of illness accompanied by fever, loss of appetite and lethargy. A blood test will usually reveal decreased red blood cells and decreased platelets. With recurring bouts, weight loss and edema in the chest and legs will become apparent. EIA infected horses may die from direct effects of the virus or from secondary infections.

Some infected horses never show any signs of the illness. Although a horse can live with the virus, that horse can be a source of infection for other horses. This fact makes testing very important. The Coggins test that checks for EIA antibodies in the horse's blood is often used. Blood samples are sent to a state-approved laboratory. Some states require the test before a horse can be transported or sold.

The current testing program which was started in the 1970's has helped keep the disease in check for a number of years. Unfortunately, asymptomatic carriers in the horse population continue to perpetuate the problem.

Without a vaccine for EIA, it is important that each horse owner take responsibility to make sure all pasture mates and other horses in the area undergo the Coggins test or the EIA ELISA test with a negative result before allowing any contact with other horses.

Although the virus cannot live very long on the horse or deer fly, maybe as little as 15 to 30 minutes, all horses in close proximity need to be tested to make sure they are healthy and are not asymptomatic carriers of the disease.

Other preventative measures include routine health exams and yearly EIA tests, never reusing blood contaminated materials between horses and controlling horse and deer flies during the summer months.

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

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As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
