Much as massage therapy is aimed at relaxing and invigorating soft tissue in humans, some horse owners are turning to body work techniques designed for horses.
According to available information Equine Touch is a non- diagnostic, non- invasive equine bodywork system that addresses the connective soft tissue, fascia, muscle, ligaments and works at a holistic level.
"In practice it is a complete equine bodywork technique which has a unique and very specific body balancing foundation consisting of a series of choregraphed vibrational moves performed gently over precise points on the equines body."
These moves are carried out in predetermined patterns , which when processed by the horse assists it to attain a state of homeostasis at all levels.
The Equine Touch is not designed or intended in any way in whole or in part to be a substitute for orthodox veterinary practice. Believers in Equine touch compare it to the use of homeopathy and herbal medicine as well as the horses own healing system.
The Equine Touch is the only equine bodywork which has evolved from and established itself with the principles of equine natural behavior and reaction in mind, giving birth to the title 'Equine Bodywork Horsemanship'©.
The Equine Touch has been described by leading equine vets as the 'ultimate hands on therapy for horses', a unique Equine Bodywork technique that all horse owners should learn.'
It is important to repeat that first and foremost the Equine Touch is not a 'therapy' under the definition by law which states that 'therapy' is defined as being a treatment to heal a specific medical problem by means other than surgical intervention.
Similarly a 'therapist' is a person who endeavors to heal a specific problem usually under the direction or control of a licensed medical practitioner.
The Equine Touch is quite simply a discipline, a bodyworkers' art, an adhered to program of procedures, that the student or practitioner is required to attain and maintain competence in. Applied correctly to the horse no matter what the presented problem, the equine is often able to deal with even long standing problems physical, emotional and behavioral.
Equine Touch Levels are the first recognized standards to be developed in the field of Professional Equine Bodywork anywhere in the world. With the adoption of the Equine Touch standards of instruction now being unified in UK, USA, Scandinavia, Europe, Africa, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, this represents an exciting future for all ET instructors and practitioners. In 2005, Equine Touch was given official national government recognized accreditation in Great Britain.
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