Feeding Horses in Winter

Trainer exercising horse in a field of snow.
Trainer exercising horse in a field of snow. alexapro

Newsdate: Tuesday 15 December 2020 – 7:35 am
Location: GILROY, California

Forage first is always the rule of feeding horses, but in winter it may not be enough. Staying warm takes a lot of calories.

Horse grazing in a pasture.

Horse grazing in a pasture

Always check the horse's body condition every two weeks in winter, making sure to actually feel through the coat to assess fat coverage over the ribs.
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Every horse has a LCT - lower critical temperature. This is the environmental temperature (air temperature + wind chill) below which the horse has to spend calories to maintain his normal body temperature - and it sure is costly! It has been shown in people that just 10 minutes of shivering burns as many calories as an hour of moderate exercise. To make things worse, very cold horses stop eating, drinking and moving around.

Even if not cold enough to shiver, the need to divert calories into heat generation means the horse needs to eat more to maintain body condition too. The usual estimate is an extra 10% of hay for every 10 degrees below the LCT, so a horse normally eating 20 lbs of hay a day would need 22 if the temperature is 10 degrees lower than his LCT.

Determining the LCT is a little tricky. Foals and older horses are less tolerant of cold than healthy adults. Horses with a lot of body fat or very dense winter coats have a lower LCT than thin horses with short coats. Wet coats lose their insulating properties. Horses with the ability to get out of the wind and  precipitation will have lower requirements than those exposed.

A horse in good body condition with a thick coat may have a LCT as low as 5° F while a thin one with a poor coat will start to chill off at 40° F. Young foals and weak seniors rarely tolerate temperatures below 32° F.

The easiest way to work around the issue of exactly what the LCT might be is to feed hay free choice. Unless the horse has metabolic syndrome they will usually regulate their hay intake to match their needs. However, some horses will need more.

Always check the horses' body condition every two weeks in winter, making sure to actually feel through the coat to assess fat coverage over the ribs. Many scenarios can result in the horse not getting sufficient calories from free choice hay, including:

  • Teeth in poor repair
  • Poor chewing efficiency (older horses)
  • Poor fiber fermentation
  • Competition from herd mates for hay and/or water (horses with insufficient water reduce their hay intake)
  • Poor body temperature regulation (foals, older horses) increases requirements
  • Pregnancy

Horses that have trouble handling loose hay may do well with supplemental feeding of hay cubes or pellets.  Since hay has the advantage of providing heat during gut fermentation, this is a good first choice. However, hay is also low in calorie yield so you may have to go to more dense sources like brans, grains or beet pulp. Fat supplementation is especially helpful in this scenario since all the horse needs is extra calories and fat supplies 5X the calories of average grass hay and triple that of plain oats. The Coco-EQ line of liquids and granular high fat sources provides unparalleled palatability with the highest quality cold pressed, unrefined and virgin fats.

About Dr. Kellon

Dr. Eleanor Kellon, staff veterinary specialist for Uckele Health & Nutrition, is an established authority in the field of equine nutrition for over 30 years, and a founding member and leader of the Equine Cushings and Insulin Resistance (ECIR) group, whose mission is to improve the welfare of horses with metabolic disorders via integration of research and real-life clinical experience.  Prevention of laminitis is the ultimate goal.  www.ecirhorse.org

Uckele Health & Nutrition, maker of CocoSoya, is an innovation-driven health company committed to making people and their animals healthier.  On the leading edge of nutritional science and technology for over 50 years, Uckele formulates and manufactures a full spectrum of quality nutritional supplements incorporating the latest nutritional advances.  www.uckele.com.

Press release by Susan Libby

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