Five Ways to Insure Maximum Nutrition

Newsdate: Tue, 3 Jan 2012 - 11:56 am
Location: ST LOUIS, Missouri

Kelly Vineyard, Ph.D., who writes a blog for Purina Equine Research has come up with five Horse Nutrition New Year's Resolutions regarding proper feeding of horses. Noting that these are things that many horse owners already do, the advice is timely and will be of help to many horse owners. 

1) Weigh all feed including concentrates and hay offered to the horse.

If you really want to know that your horse is getting all the nutrition he requires, the first and most important step is to know exactly how much he is eating. Get an inexpensive fish scale that can easily be used in the feed room. To weigh a “scoop” of concentrate, get a plastic grocery bag and put one full scoop of feed in it. Hang the bag of feed on the scale, and you will know exactly what one scoop weighs.

Be sure to do this with all of your feeds, because all feeds have a different density and will weigh slightly different. Pellets, for example, typically weigh more per quart than textured mixes (i.e. sweet feeds). For hay, you can determine the weight of an average flake using the same method with a larger trash bag. Make a note of these weights for easy reference.

2) Monitor bodyweight on a monthly basis.

This is so easy to do and can be a crucial part of your horse’s health maintenance program. Not only will it help you determine the right amount of feed to feed your horse, but it will also help with determining the correct medication dosages (i.e. dewormer) and potentially alert you to certain medical conditions (sudden weight gain or loss can be a sign of a problem).

You can do this with either a specially designed weight tape for horses or with long (non-stretchy) rope or string to measure both the heartgirth and body length in inches. Use the equation "Weight (lbs.) = Girth2 (in.) x length (in.) / 330. Keep in mind that daily weight fluctuations up to 50 lbs. are normal in the average-size horse, but anything more than that should be addressed. Keeping track of  weight is especially important so that necessary adjustments to diet is based on the season, workload, and current bodyweight.

3) Get your hay analyzed.

This is so easy to do, but many people feel like it must be too complicated or they won’t know how to interpret the analysis. However, if you buy hay in bulk, it is very important to have a general idea of the nutritional value of your hay. This way, you can determine if your hay quality is truly appropriate for your horse and how to choose a concentrate feed that best complements your hay. You can contact your local equine extension agent, a private nutrition consultant, or your local Purina Equine Specialist with any questions you may have.

4) Eliminate unnecessary supplements.

The equine supplement industry in the U.S. is not regulated, meaning that manufacturers can basically make any claim they want about their products without having any data or proof to back it up. Unfortunately, this makes it extremely difficult for the average owner to determine what it true and what is simply marketing hype.

Many horses will not need any supplements at all, as long as they are fed a balanced ration that meets their nutrient requirements and provided free-choice access to salt. But there are some horses that will benefit from some type of supplement, such as electrolytes, a forage balancer vitamin/mineral mix, and/or a joint supplement.

The key is to find a reputable manufacture that consistently produces a quality product that is backed by research. Unfortunately, these quality supplements are few and far between. It is definitely a “buyers beware” market, and the best plan is to put your money into good quality feed products that will minimize or even eliminate the need for supplements in the first place!

5) Evaluate your overall feeding program and switch your horse to a more appropriate feed product if necessary.

Do you feed the same “10% pellet” that your grandpa used to feed? Have you been feeding the same product for the past 5 years or more? Do you feed the same feed to all horses on your property? If you have not evaluated your feeding program recently, there is no time like the present.

With all of the new research and feeding technologies we have been coming out with at Purina over the past few years, it is likely that there is a new product out there that may fit your horse’s needs better that what you are currently feeding. Take a good look at the products available at your local Purina dealer and check out Purina’s website to familiarize yourself with what is currently available.

Read the feeding instructions on the bag to be sure you are feeding the product correctly. Talk to your dealer or contact us if you have any questions about your feeding program. We’re here to help you make the right choices for your specific situation.

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

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As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
