For Better Horse Respiratory Health Follow These Dust Buster Tips

Newsdate: Mon 26, October 2015 – 07:00am
Location: PLYMOUTH, Massachusetts

Horse owners have been known to call SmartPaks the "best thing to happen to the barn since the wheelbarrow. In a new release, SmartPak discusses the downside of various kinds of dust and why it is important to remove air pollutants that affect horse respiratory health. With cold weather approaching and horses spending more time in stalls, making dust busting a priority becomes more important for better horse respiratory health.

For Better Horse Respiratory Health

For Better Horse Respiratory Health

With cold weather approaching and horses spending more time in stalls, making dust busting a priority becomes more important for better horse respiratory health.

Between the shavings he sleeps in, the hay he eats, and the cobwebs in the rafters, your horse’s home may be full of dust that could negatively affect his respiratory health. That’s because “dust” isn’t just “dust.” Dust particles are also made of fungal and mold spores, mites and other insect parts, and bacteria and their toxins.

Though “dust-free” and “barn” are rarely found in the same sentence, there are steps you can take to help keep the dust down.

Read on for five easy ways to chase the dust bunnies away and help your horse breathe easy this season.

Problem: Hay

Dust-Busting Solution: Wetting or soaking your horse’s hay helps minimize dust, while steaming it with a product like the Haygain HG-1000 Full Bale Hay Steamer will sterilize it, killing any potentially harmful components.

Problem: Sweeping

Dust-Busting Solution: Timing is everything! Try to sweep while the horses are out, but if you must do it while the horses are inside, wet down the aisle before you start, to minimize the dust particles that your horse breathes in.

Problem: Closed Barn

Dust-Busting Solution: It’s tempting to keep the barn shut tight all winter long to preserve what little heat you have, but you don’t want to lock out fresh air. To keep clean air circulating inside, when the temps warm up, open up the barn as much as possible.

Problem: Shavings

Dust-Busting Solution: Whenever possible, put down fresh bedding while the horses are out and the barn doors are open. Also, try to use whatever dust-free shavings are available in your area and avoid straw.

Problem: Cobwebs

Dust-Busting Solution: Cobwebs trap dust, so be sure to de-cobweb regularly (this is also a smart fire safety tip!). Wait until after the horses have been turned out for the day to minimize their exposure to the extra dust.

Although these dust buster solutions are common sense, in their busy lives many horse owners forget how important clean, dust-free barns and stables are when it comes to their horse's health. Along with as much turnout time as possible in fresh air making barn and stall cleaning a priority pays off in the long run in better horse health.

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

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As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
