France Values Welfare of Equines

Newsdate: Tue, 28 Jun 2011 - 09:23 am
Location: FRANCE

Founded in 2007, ERF is a not for profit association (Loi 1901) whose aim is to improve the welfare of equines in France through rescuing, campaigning and education. After living in France for several years, friends Jon and Kathryn Dobson (President), Jenny Lupton (Secretary) and Trina Summerfield felt that there was a need for an English speaking association to bridge the gap between UK charities and other associations in France, and ERF was born.

Based in the South West (Depts 24, 16 and 86), ERF offers advice and support for English speakers facing equine welfare issues. Working with key UK charities, ERF are able to campaign for welfare improvements, whether enforcing existing legislation or campaigning for change. By forging links with the key French associations ERF are able to support their work as well as to instigate local actions.

ERF regularly rescues horses and donkeys from maltreatment then rehabilitates and re-homes them under long-term loan contracts. They are also able to advise individuals about horses and donkeys destined for the abattoir and can offer expert opinions locally if required. Trina is a Monty Roberts Registered Associate and has show jumped at a National level, and Jenny has many years of both Eventing and Training behind her.

Fund raising is an important part of their work since, although the majority of work is voluntary, there are regular vets and farriers bills to be paid. Funds are raised through association membership and fund-raising activities organised by volunteers – donations are always welcome!

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

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As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
