It's Time To Vaccinate Against Mosquito-borne Horse Diseases

Newsdate: Fri, 10 May 2013 - 7:59 am
Location: LEXINGTON, Kentucky

It’s mosquito season and it’s time for equine owners to talk to their veterinarians about protecting their animals from mosquito-borne diseases. West Nile virus (WNV) and Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis (EEE) are endemic across much of the country and can cause illness or death, but they can be prevented with a sequence of two vaccines.

Mosquito - A threat to horse health

Mosquito - A threat to horse health

Getting exact statistics for mosquito-borne diseases in horses is difficult, but many state officials say they expect up to four unreported cases for each one confirmed case of West Nile virus and Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis.

Getting exact statistics for mosquito-borne diseases in horses is difficult. Many state officials say they expect up to four unreported cases for each one confirmed case of West Nile virus and Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis, making the actual impact much larger than the numbers show.

Many states have an extended mosquito breeding period, so every horse owner should talk to their veterinarian about how to protect their animal year-round,” North Carolina State Veterinarian David Marshall said. “In addition to getting animals vaccinated, everyone needs to be extra vigilant now to reduce the breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Take the time now to rid your yard and pasture of any standing water to reduce the risk.”

The EEE and WNV vaccinations initially require two shots, three to four weeks apart, for horses, mules and donkeys that have no prior vaccination history. Neither vaccination fully protects the animal until several weeks after the second shot, so it is best to vaccinate as early in the mosquito season as possible.

Symptoms of EEE include impaired vision, aimless wandering, head pressing, circling, inability to swallow, irregular staggering gait, paralysis, convulsions and death.

Symptoms of WNV in horses can include loss of appetite and depression, fever, weakness or paralysis of hind limbs, convulsions, impaired vision or hyperexcitability.

People, horses and birds can become infected from a bite by a mosquito carrying the diseases, but there is no evidence that horses can transmit the virus to other horses, birds or people through direct contact.

Read more about West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encelphalomyelitis

About the Author

Flossie Sellers

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As an animal lover since childhood, Flossie was delighted when Mark, the CEO and developer of EquiMed asked her to join his team of contributors.

She enrolled in My Horse University at Michigan State and completed a number of courses in everything related to horse health, nutrition, diseases and conditions, medications, hoof and dental care, barn safety, and first aid.

Staying up-to-date on the latest developments in horse care and equine health is now a habit, and she enjoys sharing a wealth of information with horse owners everywhere.
