Learn More about Equine or Pet Nutrition during 'Fueling Wellness' Symposium!

Grain and hay lunchtime for eager horses.
Grain and hay lunchtime for eager horses. Smerikal

Newsdate: July 21, 2020, 11:00 am
Location: GUELPH, Ontario

Equine Guelph is co-hosting a one-day online symposium on August 15, 2020 where you can learn more about horse nutrition from the comfort of your own home!

Red bucket of grain with an apple on hay - Basics of horse nutrition.

Red bucket of grain with an apple on hay - Basics of horse nutrition

The Fuelling Wellness Symposium gives horse professionals, riders, owners, breeders, trainers, and caregivers the chance to learn more about equine nutrition from guest speakers at Guelph and around the world.
© 2020 by Equine Guelph New window.

Co-hosted by the Canadian Academy of Veterinary Nutrition, participants can spend the whole day on equine specific topics or choose from other pet nutrition seminars running concurrently.

This event, titled the Fuelling Wellness Symposium gives equine/horse professionals, riders, owners, breeders, trainers, caregivers and other nutrition enthusiasts the chance to learn more about equine nutrition from guest speakers in Guelph and around the world.

Guest speakers will cover a variety of equine nutrition topics including a tour through the horse's unique digestive system, evaluating horse hay and nutritional supplements, assessing a horse's body condition score, mycotoxins and donkeys and their special dietary needs. Participants will come away from the day with practical tips that they can put into use. You can learn more and register here.

The two pet nutrition streams are tailored to veterinary teams and to other pet professionals. The stream for veterinary health care teams includes talks tailored to the veterinary team - clinicians, technicians and student veterinarians – with a focus on advancing practitioners' knowledge in key nutrition areas to help them better serve their clients. T

Topics include pet feeding practices, homemade diets, nutrition assessment, obesity management and communication skills.

The stream tailored to pet professionals, which includes pet store employees, breeders, trainers and other pet nutrition enthusiasts, provides the opportunity to learn more about nutrition for dogs and cats, alternative diets for pets, an analysis of pet food labels, a virtual tour of pet food manufacturing, as well as an expert panel on emerging ingredients and sustainability.

The Ontario Veterinary College and the Ontario Agricultural College teamed up to organize this exciting continuing education event. This event is sponsored by the Global Animal Nutrition Summit’s Diamond Sponsor, Hill’s Pet Nutrition and Bronze sponsor, MadBarn.

This one-day symposium takes place on the last day of the Global Animal Nutrition Summit, which has also been organized by the Ontario Veterinary College and Ontario Agricultural College, and will also be exclusively virtual this year. Those interested in the one-day symposium or in the Summit can find more information and register on the Global Animal Nutrition Summit website

Press release provided by Equine Guelph

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