The National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) coordinates a national approach to advance farm animal care and welfare in Canada. Recently it has been updating and modifying the Equine Code and developing priorities to be addressed to improve the lives of equines.
The National Farm Animal Care Council (NFACC) has recently been updating and modifying the Equine Code of Practice and developing priorities to improve the lives of equines.
In 1980, the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies began coordinating the process of developing Codes of Practice for all livestock species. The Canadian Agri-Food Research Council then led the process from 1993-2003. NFACC was initiated in 2005 and facilitated consultations in 2006 that led to an updated Code development process.
As part of the equine Code development process, NFACC has conducted three surveys to gain input from a broader group of stakeholders.
- Survey one - awareness of and attitudes towards the equine Code of Practice
- Survey two - body condition scoring, reproductive management, transport
- Survey three - health management and tail alterations
Following is the priority welfare issues list for the Equine Code of Practice update:
- Facility Design/Housing
- Turn-out, social opportunities, foraging opportunities, provisions for daily exercise
- Housing risks associated with stereotypic behaviour and management of the stereotypic horse
- Inadequate housing (isolation, confinement, lack of enrichment, social behaviour, ventilation, bedding)
- Stall sizes (box, tie, foaling)
- Requirements for shelter and shade
- Equine Health
- Disease prevention
- Lameness
- Painful Practices: freeze and hot iron branding; modifications of the tail; freeze and pin firing; soring; and castration
- Hoof care
- Handling and Training
- Learning theory as it relates to training and handling
- Training methods - does the scientific research suggest a benefit to common methods used?
- Head shaking
- Feed and Water
- Water requirements in winter
- Feeding behavior
- Distil the more specialized nutritional issues into management components related to welfare:
- Obesity
- Thermal impacts on nutritional/energy needs
- Laminitis
- Feedlots
- Stocking density
Note: other welfare topics for the species will be covered by the CDC. The priority welfare issue list is comprised of issues that would particularly benefit from a review of the available scientific literature.